Chapter 20

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Hi guys, sorry for the delay in posting! Once I got back from break, I was swamped with homework. This chapter is super long and I thought about breaking it up, but I wanted to keep the flashback together.
Happy reading, Babes! I couldn't be more thankful for y'all!

Trigger warning: Domestic violence

Brenna POV

~3 years earlier~

Life is crazy, but it is full of joy and miracles. I'm currently carrying my miracle, even though all she does is give me heartburn and kick my bladder. Every day, I am faced with the reality that she is growing inside of me and that one day soon, this little baby will be an actual person. There will be a permanent sign of the love Joey and I share and that love will be held in one tiny person.

"Is she kicking?" Joey asks with a smile as he puts his hand on my ever-growing belly. He bends to kiss me as she kicks, making her presence known.

"Not even born yet and she's already interrupting our time," I joke. Joey and I have been moving in a million different directions lately as we prepare for the baby's arrival in 8 short weeks, so our alone time has been scarce.

"Cock blocker," he jokes as he rubs my stomach one more time and leaves me in the kitchen, eating my pickles and hot sauce.

Joey and I have been together for almost three years. While this baby was technically an accident, we have never been happier. He has a calendar in our bedroom counting down the days to our due date. He even has a name picked out, Ruby.

As I smile to myself about how happy and normal my life is, my phone vibrates on the counter. When I'm not using my phone, I always leave it face-up on the counter so Joey can check it whenever he wants. All of his past girlfriends have cheated on him, so this is the best way for me to prove I'm faithful. I don't mind anyway, I would never cheat on him.

Slowly, I waddle over to the counter and see I have a Facebook message request from someone I don't know. Just as I am about to delete the request, I notice it's from a woman. Joey shouldn't get mad since it's not from a man, so my curiosity gets the best of me and I open the message.

Hey, girlie, I hate to do this to you now, but I know you're pregnant and if the situations were reserved I would want someone to tell me. I met Joey on Tinder 2 months ago, but he told me his name was Tyler. We have been dating ever since then. He told me he was single and I def didn't know he had a kid on the way. Anyway, I included screenshots in case you need more proof. He's trash girl, you need to leave his ass.

As I read the message tears well in my eyes. How can someone be so cruel as to make up these lies? Joey would never ever do that to me. He loves me and we are having a child together. People are just trying to break us up, they are jealous of our love and no one understands it. Everyone is against us, even my own brother.

Anger bubbles in me as I read the fake screenshots she sent me. Sure, they are from someone using Joey's photos, but it's under another name. As I scroll through the multiple screenshots, my eyes land on a dick pic.

Shit. I have to get this off my phone. Oh my God, I should have never opened this message. He'll think I believe her. He'll think I opened it to look at this random picture. He can't get mad again, I have to fix this.

Just as I am about to delete the picture, I notice something.


No fucking way.

Finally, I zoom in on the photo and see a mole. A very distinctive skin-colored mole at the base of the dick. A mole just like Joey has.

These have to be from before. He couldn't have sent these recently. He must have dated her before we got together and she just wants him back. She clearly is against our relationship.

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