Chapter 4

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Driver's POV

There are two sides to me. The impulsive side that shines anytime I am angry and the side that's calculated. Normally, I plan every moment out, never straying from the path, I think ten steps ahead and have a hundred contingency plans.

I like being calculated. I like knowing what's going to happen.

Then why the fuck does my mind go all fuzzy every time I see her?

It's infuriating, really, to know that she has such an effect on me. To know that I can never act on it. It's clear we both have too many demons.

But, every day I find myself waking up at the ass crack of dawn, dragging myself to the gym, and training with her. The first time we fought, when our faces were so close I could smell the minty toothpaste still on her breath, I was frozen. I wanted to live in that moment forever, though I have no idea why.

We have trained together every day for a week and I find it to be the best time of my day, but also the most confusing. I think we flirt, but then she shuts me down for seemingly no reason. Then again, I know better than to flirt with her. I have a plan, and it includes being a horny bachelor until I'm 80.

I shake the thoughts from my head as I walk down the cellar stairs of the gym and into the room we hold our fights in. I used to fight in the underground another lifetime ago, but a few years ago I pitched the idea to Blade for our club to host them. Since then, we have a few fighters that we promote, and challengers that come from outside rings to try and beat us. It's income for the club, for me, and for my fighters. And above all, I can make sure my fighters stay safe.

Nobody will ever get hurt like that on my watch, again.

This is Shorty's first fight with us and she was right, as soon as I started promoting a female fighter, all of the misogynistic assholes came out of the woodwork to challenge her. We are going to make a shit ton of money, but it makes me a little nervous to see her going up against men twice her size.

Maybe that makes me a misogynistic asshole, but I worry. I can't have that happen again.

I spot her in the corner of the room near the benches surrounded by some of my club brothers Wolf, Gunner, Bullet, Smoke, Axe, Grease, and Skillet, and my promoter Mikey. Mikey has worked for me since I started this ring, he manages fighters in the lower levels and when he thinks they are good enough, he brings them to me. As for the club, everybody wanted to come and check out the 'lady fighter' as she has been nicknamed.

"Okay, but how do you wind down after these fights? Cause I have a few ideas," Gunner smirks. The closer I get to them the more my blood boils. I told them she was off limits. I can't have anyone fucking with my fighters.

"I bet you do," she laughs as she continues wrapping her knuckles. I feel better that she blew him off, but she could've turned him down outright. This makes it sound like he still has a chance, which he doesn't.

"Where'd you learn to fight, Shorty?" Wolf asks.

"My brother taught me the basics, but I taught myself most of the complex stuff," she replies. That's more of an answer than I got when I asked that question, and I find myself a little hurt that she gave Wolf the full truth but not me.

"Does he fight too?" Grease questions.

"No, that's just me," she mutters, clearly this is a soft spot for her.

"He doesn't like you fighting?" I question, announcing my presence.

"I'm his sister, he just doesn't want me hurt," she replies, looking at the ground.

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