Not Another Shakespearian Tragedy~ Billy Hargrove (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Vera broke my camera." Lily repeated.

My mom's gaze snapped up to me, "Vera! Why would you do that?"

"I didn't break it!" Technically that was the truth.

"You borrowed it!" Lilly shrieked.

"What did you do?" My mom demanded.

"I didn't break the camera alright. I'll get her another one, it's not a big deal."

"Mom, she won't even apologize." Lily whined.

"It was not me."

"Did someone knock it out of your hands? Did someone attack you and you dropped it? Is someone picking on you? If that's the case, just tell me! Why are you being a jerk about it?"

"No. Nothing like that. Look I can explain later, the person who broke it might not even have meant to break it! I don't know."

"Who broke the camera, Vera?" My mom demanded, her tone rough and cold.

Averting my eyes to the floor, I gave a small cough that sounded suspiciously like Billy Hargrove.

"What was that?" My mom pushed.

"Billy Hargrove." I repeated lowly.

I knew this wouldn't go over well. My mother hated Billy. She had only met him once in a grocery store where he had supposedly hit on her. Upon finding out he was to be a new classmate of mine she sat me down and gave me explicit instructions to stay away from him. What my mom didn't need to know was that he was my lab partner, I sat next to him in English, and he was supposed to be my partner on assignments all year. It wouldn't have mattered to her that he never showed up and I rarely saw him despite these things.

"Billy Hargrove!" My mom shrieked, "What were you doing with Billy Hargrove?"

"A project. For school. He got mad and broke the camera." I mumbled.

"Oh, you wait till his parents hear about this."

"No, mom. I'll buy Lily another camera. Leave him out of it."

"But if he broke it-"

"It was technically my fault. I'll just buy another one. Don't call his parents." I pleaded.

The last thing I needed was for Billy to have another reason to want to kill me.

"You're right you're getting her another one. And with your own money too."

"Yes, mom."

"And don't you dare hang around or even look at that Hargrove boy ever again you hear me?"

"Yes, I hear you."

"We'll talk about punishment later. Go to your room."

I didn't have to be told twice. I turned right around and went straight for my room.

"Apologize to your sister!" My mom called after me.

"I'm sorry, Lily!" I yelled without even turning around.


Mom and I talked it out later that night. No TV for two weeks and I wasn't allowed anywhere except school, I lost phone privileges too. Not so much different from my normal life. But as soon as my mom figured out, I missed an assignment worth twenty percent of my grade I'm sure I was in for an even worse time. I'd be grounded until I graduated college or maybe she'd just kill me. 

The stress of the project was eating away at me. My mom had given me her own video camera, which was significantly less nice than my sister's. But even with another camera I had somehow lost all my notes and a few textbooks. I supposed I had left them at the Hargrove house in my rush to leave. I considered asking Max for them back, but I found myself afraid to approach her if Billy ever found out I had.

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