Not Another Shakespearian Tragedy~Billy Hargrove (Part 3)

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Sorry for the abrupt ending last part. It was getting too long. Here we are for part three!

"You've been waiting to do that for how long, Hetfield?" He purred in my ear.

Disgusted, I pushed him away from me.

"So, you going to work with me now?" He asked.

"This is still pretty impossible. I mean are you sure?"

"Damn it, it'd be more possible if you'd stop being so stubborn! I'm trying to make things up to you Hetfield!" 

"Make things up to me? What are-"

"The other afternoon! I'm trying to make up for that. I'm here for Maxine. She told me not to f**k things up with her cool older friend."

"She said that?"

"Oh yeah, she raved about you. Whole reason I'm not mad at you anymore, I guess. Said you guys had a great time and you were super cool. She was super upset because she thought you were avoiding her because of me. So, I came over to fix things."

"I wasn't-I-"

"Please. I know you were. And it's okay I can't blame you. I was out of line the other day." He sighed and I thought he was done but relieving me from having to say anything he kept going.

"I came home, and I just saw Max on the ground with a camera over her. I thought-I thought maybe he had gotten to her and done something. Then I saw you there next to her and I don't know. She's had a rough time adjusting here. A hard time making friends and people were picking on her, so I panicked."

I suspected Max wasn't the only one having a hard time adjusting, but I kept that to myself.

"Then I remembered she was with you. And it's you and I don't have to worry about you. But the thing is I just don't like people being in my house and knowing my business. I'm glad you guys got along and had fun or whatever but clearly you lost track of time. It was getting dark; I didn't know if they'd be home or if they were home. I was scared. I was scared for both of you."

Billy huffed, "you just shouldn't have shown up like that. My house, it isn't safe."

"I'm sorry."

I was sorry. For showing up at his house like that. Invading his space. But mainly I was sorry for what he was going through. What he didn't say but was highlighted in his words.

"It doesn't matter." He murmured, "Now are we done with the dumb questions?"

I nodded, though I wasn't sure if he could see in the dark. Whether he could or not he seemed to take my silence as an answer.

"Let's get going then."

"One second."

I ran over to my closet, shutting myself inside. I tugged on whatever, whatever I could find really. On my way out I grabbed what I hopped was a pair of sneakers and emerged from my closet. I found Billy facing my window which was still open.

"I'm ready." I announced into the dark.

He motioned for me to come over to him. I started to but suddenly stopped, grabbing my mother's video camera off my bed. There also happened to be a glaring hole in his plan.

"Billy, your car." I said suddenly.

His car had become a staple annoyance of Hawkins. Everyone had become a victim of the loud rev of his engine or of his reckless driving or both. His car was obnoxiously loud. If my parents hadn't already seen it in my driveway, they would hear it.

"My parents are going to hear-"

"Don't worry about it. I took care of it." He assured me.

I continued to the window, standing beside him. He smirked at me, "don't you ever relax?"

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