Ruler of the Walls

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The true king within the walls, Rod Reiss, found his schemes laid to waste, while Levi Squad was successful in rescuing both Eren and Historia. However... Seeing his hopes dashed on the ground before him, Rod Reiss himself became a Titan.

Historia: I just wanted to believe my father was right. Even more than that, I wanted him to like me. But it's time for me and him to part ways now.

Mikasa: Once you're Queen, you can punch that smug runt right in the face.

Carsten: How can we evacuate the people in such a short time?

Erwin: That's not part of the plan. The people of Orvud District will need to stay here exactly where they are.

(Rod's Titan continues to its way towards Wall Sina where Orvud District is)

Carsten: What the hell are you thinking, Erwin? If we don't get these civilians out of the city, they'll die by the thousands! That hulking monstrosity will be a stone's throw from the wall by morning!

Hanji: That Titan is an Abnormal.

Carsten: Right, and what the hell does that even mean?

Hanji: It behaves strangely. Unlike most Titans we encounter, it's only attracted to large groups of people. Hence the word "abnormal." Put simply, given the choice between a few soldiers right next to it and a distant, but densely populated city, it'll choose the city. So if we were to evacuate Orvud's populace to the interior of Wall Sina right now, the Titan would change its course, destroying the wall and anything else in its path. Left unchecked, it would make for the city with the greatest density of people, Mitras. The ensuing rampage would deliver a devastating blow to humanity. As we rode for Orvud, we had Eren Yeager attempt to use his recently discovered power to control Titans. Rod Reiss' Titan didn't react in any way.

Erwin: If we're to stop this thing, it'll have to be outside the walls of Orvud District. For that to happen, we require the citizens here to act as bait. However, this doesn't change the fact that our first and foremost duty as soldiers is to protect the people. In the event that we're unable to halt the target, we'll take measures to lose minimize civilian losses. We'll announce a district-wide evacuation drill tonight. The people will be gathered away from the outer wall, ready to escape if the battle is lost.

Carsten: It seems there's no other choice.

Erwin: The body of this Titan is the largest we've ever seen yet. As such, it presents an easy target. Our wall-mounted cannons should prove highly effective, but if we can't bring it down with artillery...the Scout Regiment will throw everything we have at it.

Y/n: Sir. If I may.

Erwin: Go ahead.

Y/n: We're gonna need all the help we can right? Is it alright if... Annie helped out defeat this Titan?

(Everyone is shocked to hear)

Jean: Annie?!

Sasha: Are you sure about letting her help?

Connie: Don't you think that she'll try and escape?

Y/n: She won't. Escaping isn't an option. If she tries, I'll stop her. Commander, this could be the start of her redemption. You can't keep her locked up forever, and we both know that. Give her hope.

Historia: I agree. She can start her second chance here!

Erwin: Permission granted. Annie Leonhart will help defeat the monstrous Titan outside. But Y/n, she will be under your custody.

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