A Season For Encounters

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(Inside of a messy room, a man with blonde hair is looking out the window smoking a cigarette)

???: Having a good sense of who you are is one of the most important things in life. Look at all those happy people on their way to there jobs. Makes me sick.

Nawh, they're freaking great!

They think they're such good deed citizens. And what about me? I'm doing the same thing I do everyday. (You're doing something special.) I'm staring out my window and people are watching while having my morning cigarette.

*Chuckles* And the fun begins.

2 weeks since my arrival from Marley. Titans... It's the only thing people talk about. Media's trying to scare people by stirring up unease.

Radio: However, despite the titan attack in Shiganshina District that happened 3 years ago we haven't seen any big changes in life. We should be looking ahead of all this. This is a time to investigate. Where would these titans act next? Why don't we let the citizens with Meta abilities help?

???: You're different from the others radio person. I approve of you.

Gross! I don't!

The biggest change for regular folks is the start of Meta abilities becoming more common than back in the day. Some of the public fears people with them, and some don't. Alot of people with the abilities aren't the cuddly type people. More like an average citizen who likes pretending to play the hero.

They are superheroes!

Radio: I think it's time we should stop saying horrible things about them and should instead raise excitement for them. It's not focusing on the problems were facing, we should highlight the positives!

???: The man knows what he's talking about. Physicality isn't the only thing that weakens. The heart does as well.

Nah it's all about power!

Shut up! Leave me alone!

(The man heads to the streets and walks around)

Most children who were born with Meta Abilities are mostly excited. But people like me were nothing but a curse.

(A criminal busts through a window with a bag full of money)

Criminal: Ahahaha! That was too easy! No one can stop me now!

(The man watches him escape away)

???: Criminals... Only faithful to themselves. This is the future now since nobody can trust meta ability people. I get it. Crime is tempting for those who don't know what else to do with their abilities. And on that part will play out as usual. I'm in a group and my partners are currently scattered out on Paradis to find someone named Y/n Zoe. Apparently he's someone really special and to recruit new comrades. The goal is to make the organization even bigger.

(Somewhere in a secluded area in an alley, a group of thugs are glaring at someone with scars)

Thug 1: What the hell are you?

Thug 2: Your face makes me wanna puke.

Thug 3: Keep looking at me like that and I'll kill you!

(The man with scars lifts and aims his hand at the thugs)

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