Bonus Chapter - Part IV

Start from the beginning

Phelan and she are sitting on pretty golden chairs, facing each other. They hold a coconut, with Phelan's hands below hers. The elders pour milk on it from a small, shining vessel. The PC and Jaya are standing, ready to begin the kanyadaana, but the PC has put his back on them, avoiding Pooja's eyes.

'Please look at me Appa' she says again, her eyes filling up. 'I know you are crying'

'No, I'm not!' he turns to Pooja and pats her head lightly. 'Why will I cry?'

'Yea...sure' she sniffs, smiling.

The PC and his wife pour milk over the coconut together. There is a slight exchange of looks between the PC and Phelan. They say nothing, but a lot is understood. And Pooja doesn't fail to notice it. She only hopes their bond grows stronger each day.

'Please look after her well' Mrs. Jaya, looking at Pooja. 'She's my darling'

Pooja smiles longingly at her mother. Mrs. Jaya pats her cheek lightly and steps back.

Phelan nods assuringly at Pooja, gently tightening his grip on her hands.

Paartha kisses his sister on the cheek.

'All the best Phelan' he says earnestly. 'I hope you'll manage this idiot'


'It's the main part now, right?' Phelan holds Pooja's hand.

She nods, swallowing. They are back to sitting on the floor again, next to each other. The sun has fully risen, and everything looks more beautiful, bathed in the early morning sunrays.

'Can you believe this is happening?' he asks her fervently.

She shakes her head, feeling serene. She remembers meeting him for the time, at the Willow Glen community hall. And the white rose. And the red velvet cake. It's been a year!

'Phinal, take this' The priest holds out the plate which has the taali placed on a coconut.

'Oh come on...' Phelan groans, shaking his head. 'It's Phelan'

'Paapa, what can he do? You have such a difficult name' Pooja backs him up. Even though she has tried to keep calm, her heartbeat has considerably risen at this point seeing the taali. I'll be married any moment now, she thinks. I'll be Phelan's wife. Oh my god. Oh my god. I think I might faint. Of joy, of course.

'What?' Phelan asks. 'My name is difficult?'

'Yes. Your name is difficult. Now listen to what he's saying' she tells him steadily.

Phelan rolls his eyes, and turns to the priest, who has suddenly felt that it is his supreme duty to explain the meaning of the mantra to Phelan.

'See...Phal..Phil..whatever you are, now I'll chant Maangalyam Thanthunaanena mantra. It means this is a sacr-'

'Yes, I do know what it means' Phelan interrupts firmly, picking the taali up.

The priest halts, visibly confused. 'You know?'

'You know?' Pooja repeats.

Phelan nods confidently and turns to Pooja, his denim-blue eyes twinkling. 'This is a sacred thread, essential for my long life. Be the reason for my life from now on. I'm tying it around your neck, so that you live a happy hundred years with me'

Pooja looks at him, unblinking, and astounded, trying to internalize what he just said. She tries to say something, but can't. Why does it feel like I'm floating? Why can't I speak?

'Google. Easy' he smiles pleasantly. The same side smile, which Pooja can never get enough of. The same smile she is going to see for a lifetime. She draws in a long, deep breath. Yes, I'll live a happy hundred years  with you. God, please grant me this. This is all I'd ever ask. Please.

Waaww, Ishita admires them dreamily. Could all this be any more beautiful? My dristhi only will happen, she cracks her knuckles. Ouch. See, so much drusthi has happened. Simply these elders say they don't like this marriage! Sooo much dristhi they have put on them. I'll do it with salt and red chillis, properly later.

'Very good, very good. Correct only'. The priest says dutifully to Phelan, and bellows 'Gattimela, Gattimela!'

The band of musicians seated on a smaller stage at the corner promptly pick up the cue, and start a loud, soulful rendition of the naadaswara music.

'May I?' Phelan asks, trying to sound conversational. But his usually smooth voice now shaking a little.

Pooja gives the slightest nod.

She closes her eyes, soaking in the moment. She feels his arms around her neck, which send enormous waves of happiness through her, and it feels alarmingly consuming. And there is a heavy shower of akshate.

Maangalyam Thanthunaanena

Mama Jeevana Hetuna

Kante Badhnaami Subhage

Twama Jeeva Saradadat Satam

When Phelan pulls back, Pooja is sobbing openly, cupping her mouth with her palm.

'Your wife is crying; make her laugh' Paartha challenges Phelan.

Phelan bends forward again and whispers in her ear; about something involving the wedding night. She lets out a gag of laughter, tears still flowing along her now reddened cheeks, and pushes him back by his chest.


Hello readers!

This was the last chapter! I decided to keep it short and simple. Hope you liked it. Do vote if you did!

Also, I hope you liked the entire story as well. It's been a long journey. I thank everyone who has read it, voted, commented, shared, and showered love! Love you, guys! It means a ton!

This story just started as an experiment last year, with only around 5-6 close friends reading it promptly. Now, I am extremely elated that it had crossed 2800 reads, and moving toward 3k. Thank you all!

Thanks to every Wattpad reader who picked up my story voluntarily, and finished it. You've spent your time reading it, and it means a lottt! You guys are the best! And all my friends who read earnestly, and kept nudging me for the next chapters. Love you!

Thanks to all the authors from whose books I've been heavily inspired from. Especially Anuja Chauhan for 'Those Pricey Thakur Girls'. My story wouldn't exist if not for them.

I've also left Henry-Ishita's storyline open, so that I can pick it up for a spin-off. But there's still time for that.

For now, that's all people!

Detailed Acknowledgements chapter coming soon!

Thank You



P.S: The lines mentioned in the chapter are from Maangalyam Thanthunaanaena shloka from the Vaikhanasa Aagama

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