BONUS - slughorn's class, 1st year

Start from the beginning

Everyone in Hogwarts deserved to be there. Every laughing Slytherin rejoicing in a quidditch match they had won ( Ember really didn't enjoy the sport, yet her brother and plenty of others did to her worst sadnesses ) and gossiping Hufflepuff relishing on the pry of others. Every student was gifted, even those who claimed to be a mistake of the system— the muggle-borns and half-breeds that walked the grounds. Magic ran through their blood, a since hint to an entire artery. Those at Hogwarts held a place to history, no matter how fickle they seemed. Ember loved that they had a place: those who never fit in anywhere else.

And Merlin she would never grow tired of the castle. Every twist of the bricks; movements in the annoying stairs she wished would fall apart and be forced into a normal rebuilding; the glisten of magic just resting in the air without disturbance from the world around it.

Ember never wanted to leave.

Until she would enter her potions class.

Surrounded by her two very best friends she had already sworn to be beside as their hair turned thin and skin grew with wrinkles, she was a joyful force to be combatted with. Ophelia's constant jokes in her ear — "did you hear about the niffler?" she would ask, to which Ember would respond with a hesitant no and the dark-haired-woman would laugh through her nose before saying, "me neither, I think it was forgotten about!" — and River's laughs full of a child-like joy filled the air as fireflies ignited the night with unmatched warmth.

Ember's blonde hair was separated into two Dutch braids done by her dearest oldest sister: Skyler White— who swore her sister looked the best when her hair was done as such and promised she would get all the boys with such a hairstyle... to which Ember responded, "Boys are gross, Skyler. You told me they had cuties!" She would retort in her younger-sister's fashion. Skyler's face would ignite in a red glaze and her eyes would advert, as if she was holding a great secret from her you her sister she didn't wish to reveal just yet. Though Ember prided herself on always knowing of what was happening in her siblings life's, she never picked up on Skyler's resistance to get a boyfriend at her young age.

"I'm excited for potions!" River said with joy as he pranced alongside Ophelia and Ember.

The latter scrunched her nose. "Why would you be exited for potions." Ember asked him in confusion. She wasn't the most keen to the subject, instead awaiting their Charms and Transfiguration classes over the rest... she was partial to DADA aswell. However, the aparant switch of teachers every year told to her by her older siblings made her fear an attachment to the subject what if she grew to love it and another professor messed her joy for it up!

"You want to be a healer, Em, you're gonna need to learn potions." River laughed. His freckled-covered cheeks upturned as he watched Ember puff out her own in annoyance.

"I won't ever be a healer..." she grumbled. "That's just a dream." Ember's heart set for the job she had found herself enchanted with for years. A dream; a reality, it was all Ember's make.

Ophelia, gasping as if Ember had said the worst thing known to man, threw a lazy arm around her shoulder. "That's not the proper way to look at it, Ember! You'll be a grand healer one day, and every time I get sick I'll cry on your porch until you fix me right up!" She joked.

Ember rolled her eyes, sticking out her tongue at her friends, before entering the potions room. She didn't necessarily hate potions. She was rather good at it, and with extra help from Aries whenever she found something to be even a tad to difficult, she had passed the class with an O for the first semester. However, the second semester had came and it proved to be a challenge for Ember— not because of the tests or essays, but instead the seating arrangements Slughorn had been so proud of.

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