Pinning The Blame

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You have your eyes closed with your head thrown back against the wall. Su-hyeok had his arm around your shoulder and his head leaning on your shoulder as his eyes were closed. You hear Nam-ra whimpering as she was turned away from you. You look over at her to see that she had bit her hand rather hard as blood gushed out of it.

"It's okay." You whisper to her as you put your hand on her wrist pushing it away from her mouth

"It's not okay." She whimpers shakily

"Yes, it is. If it happens again, bite me instead. If you bite me, i'll end up like you." You reassure as you rub her back. Tears escape her eyes. One of her eyes were completely red. Veins bulging out and the skin was red and purple. Your eyes perked up to see the two seniors returning the same direction Mi-jin went in. You took off one of the white pads Su-hyeok was wearing on his ankle and wrapped it around Nam-ra's infected eye so nobody could see

"I really think that that's the only way out." Wu-jin mumbles

"No. It drops into the basement on that side. And there are exposed steel bars. No way we can jump." Mi-jin huffs as you continue to wrap the white pad around Nam-ra

"That side faces the school, so there's no point trying it." Ha-ri informs

"The ground is filled with zombies, we'll die if we go down." Mi-jin mutters

"There's a door on the first floor that leads to the mountain. We have to go that way." Ha-ri states as you look at her. Sakae still fast asleep on you.

"But it's full of zombies in there." Dae-su says

"Can't we reach the roof if we use that and the windows. If someone goes to the roof and screams the zombies will follow them. Then i'm pretty sure it'll empty out in there, and the rest can escape." Cheong-san explains his plan

"I think that could work." Su-hyeok mutters

"No." You and On-jo say in union

"If that's the only way—" Cheong-san tries

"I said no. Please stop sacrificing yourselves." On-jo cuts him off

"Yeah, I agree with you. We said we'd all survive together." Hyo-ryung agrees

"Me too." Wu-jin nods

"I feel the same." Dae-su joins

"I'm with you guys too." Wu-jin adds

"Then we should wait for now." Mi-jin suggests

"And then what? Do you have a plan?" Ha-ri questions

"Maybe if it rains again, they won't be able to hear us." Mi-jin mumbles

"Who knows when it's gonna rain?" Ha-ri questions as you look up to see a perfectly blue sky with bright white clouds. No signs of rain.

"Don't worry. My knees are throbbing. It's gonna rain. You'll see." She sighs out sitting down in front of the group. Everyone looks up at the sky.

"It's way too clear." Dae-su states as Mi-jin nods

"Hear that?" Nam-ra mumbles as everyone turns to her

"What?" Su-hyeok questions with his chin on your collar bone.

"They're saying to take cover." She exclaims as you furrow your brows

"Who is?" Cheong-san questions

"We need to take cover. There will be explosions." Nam-ra informs as you clench your jaw

"Fuc— Father." You whisper cutting yourself off looking down at Sakae.

"What do you mean explosions?" Hyo-ryung questions worriedly

"Are you sure about that?" Su-hyeok questions

"Hyosan intersection Future College...and also our school will be blown up." Nam-ra names out some of the places that'll be targeted

"Hey, are those fucking soldiers gonna shoot missiles at us?" Wu-jin questions

"Wu-jin." You say in a cold warning tone as your body stiffens from the newly found information

"When is it gonna happen?" Dae-su asks

"I can't really tell. They're just saying to evacuate right now." Nam-ra answers looking down widen eye'd

"Shit. Where do they expect us to go, huh?" Mi-jin asks herself

"When are they gonna bomb this whole place, huh?" Dae-su repeats

"Won't we all die if we just stay here?" Hyo-ryung mumbles

"Did they say where to flee to?" On-jo questions

"They say that we should hide underground." Nam-ra answers

"What if they drop a nuclear bomb?" Hyo-ryung says even more worried

"Korea doesn't have nukes. What are you saying?" Dae-su responds and Hyo-ryung hits him

"Whatever. They're gonna blow up our school." Hyo-ryung cries

"Where are we supposed to take cover? There's nowhere to hide." Wu-jin grumbles and everyone sighs and groans

"Y/n, my love!!"

Word Count: 1380

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