xii • enid

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a/n: hi guys! i recently started school again so that is why my updating schedule has and is going to be a bit off from now until summer so i apologize in advance! i'll try my best to update when i have free time

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a/n: hi guys! i recently started school again so that is why my updating schedule has and is going to be a bit off from now until summer so i apologize in advance! i'll try my best to update when i have free time.

scenario: enid wakes you up in the middle of the night because she's bored.

january 9

enid's pov:

have you guys ever hated the feeling of not being able to sleep?

especially when you know you have something important happening the next day?
yeah me too.

you see...

me and y/n have been talking nonstop about a trip to hawaii we wanted to take.

after months of planning we finally managed to afford tickets to go.

since i've never been to hawaii and so has y/n in which i can't help but feel excited to go.

well, we leave for our flight tomorrow and so far i haven't slept a bit.

since then i've been doing random things to see if any of them bored me out enough to fall asleep.

i painted my nails a few minutes ago.

didn't work.

i scrolled through social media for like 1 hour.


i even tried watching some boring speech on youtube to see if i would fall asleep but surprisingly it didn't work.

i sighed mentally.

i suddenly heard quiet snores coming from behind me.

i turned around to see my girlfriend fast asleep.

now how is she able to sleep and not me?

oh who am i kidding?

i'm a werewolf.

we are known for being energetic and to be awake for hours on end.

i decided to try sleeping so i closed my eyes and tried to dream of something to distract me.

a few minutes in, nothing.

i groaned.

i feel bad for what i am about to do but i think  that y/n might be able to help me fall asleep.

y/n's pov:

i love sleeping.

especially when you have those good dreams.

just as i was about to reach the AMAZING part of my dream i felt a pair of hands shaking me.

i groaned as i managed to slowly open my eyes.

"baby..." i heard whispering.

i suddenly managed to open my eyes fully.

there she was.

my girlfriend looking at me with a pout on her face.

"enid" i continued to groan.

i turned around to face the clock sitting on my nightstand.

"it's 3 in the morning why aren't you asleep?" i asked.

enid suddenly sighed.

"well you know how we are so excited to go on that hawaii trip tomorrow?" she asked.

i hummed in response as i closed my eyes.

"well as you know i tend to struggle sleeping when i get excited about something so that is why"

i suddenly shot up.

that is true.

enid does do that.

"aw baby i'm as excited as you are but you need to get your rest or you'll be tired to wake up in a few hours"

enid suddenly pouted as she crossed her arms together.

"i don't want to" she said.

i grabbed both sides of her face with my hands and kissed away her pout.

"i'll tell you what, how about i get you a glass of warm milk and then we can cuddle?"

she suddenly squealed.

"i'll take that as a yes." i chuckled.

i made my way out of bed as i put on my slippers and headed to the kitchen.

a few minutes later i returned with a glass of milk.

"here you go my love" i said as i handed enid the glass.

i watched as she drank it.

god this girl is so cute and gorgeous.

i'm glad to say i'm the lucky person to call her mine.

beat that ajax!

just kidding...

or am i?

"okay i finished it, now come and give me my cuddles!!" my girlfriend said as she extended her arms out and did her little grabby hands.

i chuckled before jumping back into bed.

as soon as i got in enid immediately made herself comfortable and laid her head on my chest.

"goodnight my love we got a big day ahead of us later" i said before kissing the top of her head.

"goodnight y/n" she said as she put her face in the crook of my neck.

and just like that we were fast asleep as if enid had never been awake.

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