iii • enid

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scenario: enid gets jealous after she finds you talking to a boy at the weathervane during a friends hangout

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

scenario: enid gets jealous after she finds you talking to a boy at the weathervane during a friends hangout.

november 12th

enid's pov:

who knew it could be so quiet being in a room alone?

i guess this is how wednesday feels like whenever me or y/n are not around.

speaking of y/n, i was here laying on my girlfriend's bed while she was out with some friends in jericho.

i must admit that i missed her a lot but its only because she knew how strongly attaching i can get when i'm around her.

she finds this cute.

anyways, after a few minutes of continuously scrolling on my phone i decided to go to the weathervane for a coffee because why not?

not only that but because i heard that after tyler was caught there was a new worker hired there and of course i was curious to know so.

i put on my snood, put my phone in my pocket, and a cozy jacket.

i made my way out of the door and down to the quad until i got to the exit.

after a few minutes i finally arrived to jericho.

just as i reached behind the fountain i saw y/n's friends exiting the weathervane bidding their goodbyes.

i made my towards the weathervane until i saw y/n talking to what seems to be is a tall young man through the clear glass windows.

i must say he does look good looking and really buff but that's not the point.

i couldn't help but feel jealous??

i decided to go inside but first i'll need a disguise.

i walked to the nearest shop in jericho and bought a fedora and a pair of sunglasses.

enid... it's winter time right now who the heck would be wearing sunglasses?

me, of course!

there were a ton of people inside of the coffee shop so it was clear for me to go in as a normal person.

walking through the door i was greeted by that same young man who was having a conversation with my girlfriend.

"welcome to the weathervane! let me know when you are ready to order." he said.

i sat down at a table that was near those two, just in time to overhear their conversation.

"so as i was saying, are you free this weekend?" the guy asked.

"that depends" i heard y/n respond.

"well i was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? i just find you very pretty and fun to be around."

wednesday / enid x fem! readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن