v • enid

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scenario: enid is sick and not feeling her best so you try your best to take care of her

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scenario: enid is sick and not feeling her best so you try your best to take care of her.

december 19

enid's pov:

others could say that they woke up feeling energetic and ready for the day but i couldn't.

i don't feel energetic nor do i feel ready to see what today had in store for me.

my throat is sore, my head is hurting, and on top of that i probably have a fever.

i think i'm sick...

i decided to just stay in bed today, hopefully my teachers will understand why i didn't go to any of my classes today.

i turned myself to face y/n who was peacefully sleeping.

gosh my girlfriend looks so cute when she's asleep.

i quickly glanced at wednesday's perfectly made bed.

wednesday had woken up early to go hangout with xavier, i honestly think there are possible feelings for them.

but DON'T tell wednesday that i said that.


i continued to take a minute to admire my girlfriend in the silence.

i really did get lucky.

that silence was later ruined as soon as i started coughing.

y/n was woken up by the sound of my coughing.

i saw my girlfriend approach me with a worried look on her face.

"enid my love, are you okay? i heard you coughing right now" she asked.

y/n always knew how to make me feel butterflies in my stomach with her cute names for me.

"yeah i'm okay it was just a tiny cough, thank you baby..." i said in response.

"are you sure? you look like you've been coughing for a while and you look sick"

enid tell her the truth, it's best to be honest than to lie.

okay maybe a tiny lie wont hurt, right?

"yes i'm sure my love" i said hoping she would let it go.

"okay" she said before turning around.


oh no...

"just in case let me take your temperature" she said.

i knew i couldn't lie my way out of this so i decided to just let her do her thing.

after she took my temperature we waited a few minutes.

"ENID..." i heard her yell.

"what happened?" i asked concernedly.

"you have a fever"

she put the back of her hand on my forehead.

"your even hot!" she said.

"i know i am i always am" i replied with a smirk.


now isn't the time to joke around.

but hey maybe it was okay because i heard y/n chuckle at my joke.

"you aren't wrong about that, but in all serious terms you need to get plenty of rest."

i groaned loudly.

the thought of staying in bed all day made me hate the feeling of getting sick even more.

"do i have to?" i asked with a pout.

y/n looked at me with a sad smile.

"yes enid you have to" she said before kissing my pout away.

"but if it'll make you feel any better i can stay in with you watching movies, cuddling, and all that type of stuff. how does that sound amor?"

i think my heart just exploded from happiness.

did she just call me amor?

this girl never fails to make me smile.

"yes!!!" i squealed before getting up to hug her.

i suddenly backed away.

"oh sorry y/n i just don't wanna get you sick"

"hey it's okay i really don't care, if making sure that you feel better involves me getting sick then so be it" she smiled.

god i keep falling for her more and more.

y/n's pov:

it had been a couple of hours.

me and enid had spent all day watching movies, playing games.

all in all we've just been enjoying eachothers company.

we were currently cuddled up just enjoying eachothers presence.

"y/n?" i heard enid ask.

"yes amor?"

"i love you"

i turned to face her direction.

i stared into her shiny blue eyes.

"i love you too" i spoke before kissing her head.

we stayed in comfortable silence.

"thank you for staying in with me, i mean you ditched your classes just to be here" my girlfriend spoke.

"are you kidding? if you broke an arm or bumped your head on something i wouldn't leave this dorm room EVER!" i chuckled.

enid hugged me tightly and giggled.

i'm so lucky to be the one who causes those giggles to happen.

for the rest of the day we enjoyed the sunset from our dorms big window.

a/n: here is a short fluff chapter! new chapter tmrw :D

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