Chapter 5: Bounty Hunting?!

Start from the beginning

You let out a sigh as you turned to Shera, put your right hand on her left shoulder, and spoke up to her.

(Y/N): Shera, listen to me. I don't give one single thing about what your brother said. Approval or not. You'll be with us as a family because you want to be your own person, understand?

Shera: (Y/N)...thank you.

Shera says with a relieved smile on her face as you nodded back in reply, but you can feel a stare coming from Leafa.

Rem: What do we do about the Kingdom of Greenwood?

Diablo: The first step to clearing any quest is gathering information. So we're going to talk the lord right now. As if we're gonna let him start some stupid war!

Leafa: Alright, let's not mess things up once we try to negotiate with him.

Everyone (except Sylvie): Yeah!

-Mini Time Skip-

Later on, You, Shera, Leafa, Diablo, and Rem were heading towards the Lord's location with Sylvie taking the lead.

Sylvie: The lord is the hero of this city.

Diablo: Hero?

Sylvie: It happened thirty years ago. When the Demon Lord was still around, he fought on the front lines and defeated several Fallen single-handedly.

Shera: Sounds like Diablo, (Y/N), and Leafa the other day.

Leafa: What is his level?

Sylvie: We've never assessed him, so I wouldn't know. He's not an adventurer, either. He might have been measured long ago, but he's not the kind of person I could ask about that easily.

Diablo: Do you mean the hard to talk to?

Sylvie: Ahahaha, people say he can be pretty rigid. As I said before, you can try, so be careful how you speak to him, okay?

Everyone was at loss for words while Leafa and (Y/N) had expressions that says "Bruh..."

-Mini Time Skip-

Later, all of you arrived at the mansion of the Lord of Faltra as everyone was at his office and see a 30-year-old man sitting on his chair behind the desk.

Later, all of you arrived at the mansion of the Lord of Faltra as everyone was at his office and see a 30-year-old man sitting on his chair behind the desk

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You then took a good look at the Lord of Faltra's appearance. He had a serious face Black hair and facial hair while wearing an outfit that reminds you of an old royal navy admiral's attire.

Sylvie: H-Hey, Lord Galford! Nice weather we're having, huh?

Sylvie nervously greets the man named Galford following up with a nervous laughter.

Shera: Can Diablo even use polite language?

Rem: Shh! Shut up, stupid Shera!

Rem and Shera looked up at Diablo who had a nervous expression.

How Not To Summon a Demon Lord...and his Juniors! (H.N.T.S.a.D.L X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now