You are a coward

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The sky was already orange when you walked home. Your mom greeted you but you didn't reply after her.

There are some familiar faces in the family room. It's Taehyung's parents.

"Good afternoon..." You greeted them immediately. Awkward. Your mom sat in the seat next to her.

"Come here, dear..."

"Hello Mr and Mrs Kim..."

Taehyung's father is disabled after an accident at work. After that his mother took his role as the main resources for the family. Her face looks very tired. Taehyung is their only son.

He never introduces you to his family. They only knew you as the girl who is friends with Jimin. You know the pressure is never easy for him. That's why he always comes home on time. He needs to take care of his father and the burden he has on his shoulder is quite heavy.

"I'll go straight to the point. We don't want you around our Taehyung." His father said directly to you.

"I'm sorry, honey. He has responsibility waiting for him. His grades are slowly going down. He almost lost his scholarship."

His mother took your hand, "I beg you to leave him."

"I can't..." You shook your head.

"Yes, you can, honey. I'm not saying you should stop being friends with him. But we need our son more than you."

His mother held your hand so tight. You can see her eyes blurry with tears. You gulped, "We don't know what the future holds. You might be his wife one day. We won't bother you at the time. But right now, Taehyung should focus on his school." You pulled your hand harshly.

"Y/n, dear..." Your mom calms you down. Is this because I can't support him in any way? Will it be different if you were smart or rich? What is the future?

"It's not my decision. Taehyung should decide for himself." You excused yourself and ran to your room.

We are just teenagers. Our life is now.

What's wrong with having fun and just living in the moment?

The house was dark when you got in. Your mom must be out with her friends. Today you went to an internet cafe and stayed there all day long. It had been three days since Taehyung's parents came. How can you meet him after this? You drag your feet to your room only to find Taehyung is in there. Geez.

"My mom let you in?" You asked him in the coldest tone.

"Y/n, don't be like this. Tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." You wanted to run and hug him so you know things are going to be okay.

"..." Nothing is wrong with you, I'm the one who is trashy.

"Y/n, look at me." His warmth melted your icy gaze. I can't do this anymore.

"I'm tired..." you whispered, "Maybe we should break up..." you regretted it immediately that word came out so easily.

Taehyung sighed, "I don't understand you at all, Y/n ."

"I said I'm tired." You repeat yourself.

"It takes two people so this relationship can work out. But you didn't seem to care about me, about us." Taehyung let go of your hand.

"Your parents asked me to leave you." You blurted it out.

"Don't blame them, Y/n ! You were ignoring me before them! You rejected my calls. You stop talking to me!" He let out his frustration to you.

You pushed him, "I'm tired being compare to your EX! I'm someone too but nobody takes my side. Nobody said that I'm nice. I'm your whore. They said I sleep with Jimin too! I opened my legs to Jungkook and fuck him in front of you."

"Y/n, you shouldn't listen to them." He said softly. You kept pushing him until you felt no more energy left in you.

"How? HOW SHOULD I NOT LISTEN TO THEM?! They were not talking behind my back anymore. They spit it on my face!"

"So you chose to ignore me." He said hurtfully.

"I don't know what to do! I'm sick of everybody acting like they know my life!"

Taehyung pulled you into his embrace. He is so precious. It has to be this way. You pushed him again. Taehyung didn't let you. He hugged you so tight it hurt.

"What should I say so you'll leave me?"

"I can forgive you thousands of times for looking at Jungkook. I can cover my ears, my eyes if you have a feeling for him a little. I did take you from him by accident. But this. I can't. You decided to give up on me. You gave up on us..."

"This is not about us, Taehyung. I wanted to be alone. Give me some space so I can breathe."

"You can't breathe around me?" Taehyung stepped back, "The girl who I love so much said she can't breathe with me..."

"It's not like that!"

"You want it! Let's break up."

That sounds so real came from him. You gave your back to him and cried so loud.

We lost it. You were the happiest the moment he entered your life as a lover. The one who you never thought will hurt you. The thing is he didn't hurt you. But you did hurt him.

"Y/n, i love you. You are someone to me. It's not you who is not enough for me. It's me who is not enough for you."

"Stop it, Taehyung." You begged him.

"Don't blame my parents for wanting the best for their son. They did their best to raise me to be the man I am today. But if you don't respect them, I'm sorry. I've no place for you in my life."

"That's not fair!" You yelled back.

"My parents won't hurt you. Because they know how much I care for you. I'll study day and night so I can still be with you.

It's not the same case with you, Y/n. You decided to give up just because people are insulting you."

"Taehyung, please leave. I don't want to hear from you anymore."

"You are selfish. You always are." Taehyung looked at it one more time before closing the door.

You cried uncontrollably. What just happened? You fell on your knees. It's not too late. I can run after him. I can't lose Taehyung. I love him. Jungkook was right. I'm a coward.

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