Outside of the Walls of Orvud District

Start from the beginning

Connie: Yeah, calm it down. We've been through a whole lot worse than this, man.

Sasha: Not that I really wanna get used to it.

Connie: Still, it's gonna suck tryin' to fly through that mess.

Mikasa: I'll take Eren.

Jean: It's gonna take all that we have to not get hit, so hold on for your life. Hold Y/n really tight, too.

Historia: Right.

Eren: It's useless. You know we won't make it.

Historia: So we should do nothing? Wanna sit here and hold hands till we're crushed? Or till we burn to death? You know dying here won't make anything better!

Levi: Listen. I really hate that I do this to you all the time, but... you've gotta make a choice here.

(Eren wipes his tears, grabs the bottle of armor, and runs towards the edge. He breaks the bottle in his mouth, swallowing the armor and transforming into his Titan form. Armor begins to spread out from his body. You rip the bandage off your leg, your demon mark appears, and a trail of darkness from your open wound travels to the severed leg)

Jean: What the hell are ya doing, you fool?!

Historia: Y/n! Cover it up, or you'll bleed out!

Y/n: Get under Eren, now!

Levi: Come on!

(Everyone rushes and hides under Eren. Your severed leg comes back to you, but you grab it before attaching it. The ceiling starts to collapse)

Y/n: Captain. There's a bullet in my leg, and can you please take it out.

Levi: What?

Y/n: No time to explain! Just cut it out!

Levi: When this is all over. You and me.

Y/n: Yes, sir.

(Levi grabs your leg, sticks his knife into it, and digs the bullet out. He hands your leg back, and you attach it back on. Eren's Titan creates an armored dome, and the entire ceiling collapses on top of them. Rod's Titan fully comes out of the ground, and it crawls away on the land. The rumbling in the cave stops, and the armored dome protects everyone)

Connie: Whoa. What the-?

Sasha: Can't believe Eren did that.

Levi: Sasha. Find us a way to get out of here.

Sasha: Yes, sir!

Historia: Y/n. Are you going to be alright?

Y/n: Yeah...

(You put your hand on your face. It glows. You then set your hand down and took the bandage off. Historia is surprised to see your face is completely healed)

Historia: How did you do that?

Y/n: It's been crazy so far. Made some new friends. It turns out they are dead and now inside me. I also learned that I have multiple meta abilities, and there's two more I need to unlock.

Historia: That... That's one heck of a story.

Y/n: Yeah... It's crazy.

(You look over and see Jean and Mikasa pulling Eren out from his Titan)

C'mon, let's get out of here.

Overhaul: Time to get up, Chrono!

Levi: Watch out!

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