Chapter 21: Mount Hakobe Part 1

Start from the beginning


Both Broly and Natsu left the table, heading outside without a word. Natsu looked more emotional as he stomped out of the guild.

"Where are you two going?" Elfman asked, watching the new guild member and dragon slayer heading out the door. 

"Getting back the kid's father… and going to help a fellow guild member." Broly said calmly, though it was clear from his frown that something wasn't sitting well with him as well.

Lucy pursed her lips, understanding the Saiyan's feelings. He on many occasions in the past talked about his father and how he was brought up as a kid. Lucy found those stories nothing short of horrifying and inhumane. How could a father treat their own son like that!? In her mind, Paragus was nothing short of a deranged monster who was just using Broly for his own motives which Broly never truly talked about. He did say that his father died, but never into the details and remained vague. She was fine with that, it must have been traumatic for someone as pure-hearted as Broly to relieve such haunting memories, so she never pushed him about it.

Yet even after how he was treated in the past, he still loved his father and missed him dearly. Lucy wanted to make Broly move on from his past, to not cling to memories with that horrible man. Though that was easier said than done. Watching Romeo must have struck a chord inside his heart, one that pushed him to not let the former go through such an experience of losing their father.


"Why is Natsu so angry?" she asked.

"Because he and Romeo are similar in a sense." Mirajane answered, with a sad smile on her face.


"When Natsu was still a child, his father disappeared suddenly one day and never came back, so he went looking for him. When I say father, I do not mean his biological one, I mean the one who adopted him." 

Was it this Igneel he kept mentioning about? Poor guy, Lucy knew how lucky she was to still have a living father. Though their relationship wasn't the best at the moment, she knew he didn't hate her considering how he gave Broly all of that money before they left—and she didn't hate him as well. 

"Igneel is a dragon."


Lucy fell out of her chair by the surprising revelation.

"You can't be serious! Aren't dragons supposed to be extinct!?" she shouted.

"Fufufu, Natsu isn't someone who lies. When he first came here as a kid, he mentioned how he was raised by a dragon named Igneel. The dragon taught him everything, from reading, writing, culture, dragon slayer magic, and basically everything… though Erza did have to teach him manners, regular bathing, fitting in with society for the most part. The boy really wants to meet his father again, he's constantly traveling the world to find a trace of Igneel. Hearing Romeo's words must have hit close to his heart."

So that was Natsu's story… Lucy didn't expect for someone to be raised by a dragon in this day and age. But she agreed with Mira that the pink-haired dragon slayer was not a liar. She learned by observing how both he and Broly shared some similar traits and how they interacted with others.. 

"So what about Broly?" 


"Your friend also seemed quite upset with Romeo's case. Does he have a similar past?" 

Lucy shook her head, she mentioned that Broly's father died which heavily impacted the man. It was not her place to mention how the latter treated his son, as that wasn't something she could share. Lucy told the story of how she initially found him in the forest, living all alone. How he used to be very different from his current self, quiet, mean looking, and just isolated in general. He didn't smile like his current self and didn't even know how to socialize with people. 

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