Sunday, May 8th

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Today was Charlie's funeral, so everyone who knew and loved him, would be there to mourn their loss.

It was exactly like your typical funeral, just like in the sad movies. It was raining and everyone was in black.

Since I was his husband, I was also obligated to write and present a eulogy for him. It was short, and it had some tear markings from when I started crying writing it halfway through.

The priest said a few things, and after he finished, he ushered me to the podium to read Charlie's eulogy aloud.

My mother held an umbrella over my body and I opened the folded piece of paper and started to read.

"Hi, I'm Charlie's husband, lover, and friend, Andy Nickleson," I cleared my throat, and continued reading.

"I know most of you here know and loved the existence of Charlie. He was the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for, even if he didn't stay here very long. He brought his peppy and cheerful personality everywhere, and always made you smile or laugh," I said, my eyes clinging onto tears.

"Now, that he's gone, we can celebrate and remember his presence. We can think and know that he is now in the hands of the Lord and is healthy and cured. We'll miss him and he will forever be in our hearts."

A single tear rolled down my cheek, and it soon got blurry. I wiped my eyes, and finished my speech.

"Thank you, and may Charlie be with us."

I walked down from the podium, sighed and put my hand on Charlie's coffin. I put his eulogy on top of it, and cried painful tears of sorrow.

I sat down in my seat and sobbed as we listened to a few other peoples' eulogies for Charlie.

The service was cut short, because it started to downpour and some thunder rumbled. Charlie's coffin was slowly lowered six feet deep with my eulogy, alone.

I got home, took a shower, and played with the two rings that I'd never wear again. I was going to give them to Charlie's parents to put them together in a frame with our wedding picture in it.

It wasn't that I didn't want the rings, but I would probably return them, so I wouldn't be sad and lonely without Charlie. It was going to be a bit depressing without him to enlighten the mood.

I fell asleep with a heavy heart, and lost my appetite for the rest of that day.

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