Friday, October 2nd

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I walked around town with Charlie after school was over. We walked to a park and sat down on an old park bench. He placed his hand on mine and told me that this was his first time at this park.

The orange autumn leaves were still attached to the trees and it was very beautiful. I grabbed Charlie and took his cheek. I kissed him on the lips, though it kinda scared him, he didn't release his lips from mine.

Charlie and I raced to my house because we were a bit bored at the quaint park. We were only a block away when he wanted to race home. I lost, but we weren't out of breath just yet.

I walked in my house when my mother saw me, she yelled at me over Charlie's kisses on my cheeks in my picture. She asked me who kissed my cheeks, and I told her that it was from my girlfriend, Daisy. I didn't know anyone named Daisy, but Charlie wasn't too thrilled at my lie. He stomped on my foot. "Ow, Charlie!? "

My mother said that it was okay to have a relationship, but it wasn't okay for her to kiss me and have them in a school picture.

She said whatever, and sent me to my room. She did however, like Charlie's picture, even though he wasn't wearing any formal clothes. He also had his hair in a mess! He didn't even bother to brush it!

Why did she have to yell at me? I wanted Charlie's stained kisses! Damn it, I should've told him to place just one on my forehead; where my hair would slightly cover the kiss marking.

"Why did you have to lie about my kisses on your cheeks?" Charlie asked me with a suspicious look across his face.

"She doesn't know that we're dating yet. I don't know how or when to tell her at the right moment yet." I sighed. "I do love you, very much, Charlie. Don't forget that, ever." I kissed his neck and I bit it. He said "ow," but he kissed me to take his mind off of the pain that I'd just given him. We undressed each other and cuddled underneath my warm bedding.

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