Monday, September 7th

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I walked through the halls of San Marino High School. I noticed that I wasn’t the only new student this year. This boy, I had later found out, was named Charlie. I couldn’t believe that I had never seen him before. 

I was transferred here because I was depressed and my mother thought that a new experience in a new place  would make me happier and stop cutting myself. I cut my arms  frequently after my older brother, Caleb died. My old school that I went to before, Caleb and I were there together. He always saw me in the halls because my classes were around his.

I had lived in Los Angeles for most of my life, but Charlie I had never saw; and I've been all over this city. He must've moved here from another state or from another city.

I took one look at him, and I knew that he was just like me. Shy, kinda long hair, also looked like he ponders too. 

Damn, I wish I could just go up, and talk to him… Here I go! I hesitated. 

I walked up to Charlie with my stomach in my shoes thinking, I’m tired of being too fucking shy to make myself shut down when I’m feeling confident! 

“Hi, I’m Andy.” I blushed a little as I introduced myself, knowing that what I just did something I had never done before. I felt more excited than I had ever been, just to talk to someone new.

“Charlie, I’m new here,” the younger boy said with a grim look upon his face. He sighed and said, "I just moved here from Ontario. I was living with my grandmother there, but…," he didn't say anything after that. I figured he had moved here to live with his parents.

I spoke up to end the awkwardness between us as everyone passed us standing in the middle of the hallway. We were close to each other, so we weren't too much of a road block for the passing students.

“I'm new here too," a smile going up my face, realizing that the start of something new, was already happening.

“So, where’s your first class," Charlie asked me, wanting to know if we had the same class together.

I kinda thought that we would have different classes because he looked like he was younger than me, just by looking at his face.

“Chemistry.” I said with a wide grin.

“Oh! I have Chemistry too! But...” he said looking really happy. I sighed, patting his tiny little head.

“Oh… That's cool! I hope we have other classes together,” I said with a small smile.

I knew that he was younger than me just by how he talked to me. 

To be honest, this small, young boy was probably going to be more of a fun person to be around than I thought… 

BRRRRING! The bell had rung. Telling us that our first class was about to start soon.

“Let me see your schedule, Andy.” Charlie said, as I was trying to get to Chemistry class.

I handed him it and I looked over him to see what we both had together, but nothing was different.

Except the expression on his face from mine. We had a few classes together which was surprising. He was staring at me as if I was really handsome, but I knew I wasn't. My long hair made me look like a girl, and that's probably why he was staring directly at me.

“Hello…, Charlie,” I snapped my fingers at him. “We need to get to class."

“Sorry Andy! I-I… I-I’m gay!” Charlie blurted out. Everyone had left, so nobody stared at Charlie's sudden confession. “S-sorry…” He mumbled looking down.

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