Main Characters

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Andy Nickleson

I don't know what I am, or what everyone else thinks; a boy. I'm straight, but that could change. My mother wouldn't care if I liked a boy anyway. I was once a boy, but now, I'm in the middle of being a boy or a girl; or non binary.

I'm the shy one among every hour of classes passed. I never speak up, and I'm always trying to avoid talking. It scares me the most when I have to present in front of the class. I prefer listening instead of speaking in school anyways.

Only people see me for who I am; for me, instead of my appearance, was my older brother Caleb. Everyone was kind and thoughtful when he had passed away from his addiction to crack and weed. I was only thirteen when Caleb passed away. 

After that, I've never been the same... I've grown out my wavy light blonde hair; longer than most boys could even handle. I've even changed my name, and even gotten several piercings in my ears.

My mother wouldn't let me pierce anything other than my ears because she thought that was for dangerous gangsters. She knew I wasn't even like that, even if I did want an eyebrow piercing and a lip piercing.

After Caleb died, I've let myself go. I used to have no piercings on my body; nothing changed. Not even my birth name; Jeremy Owen Nickleson!

 My new name is: Andy Logan Nickleson (My mother's last name). I am sixteen years old, and I live in Los Angeles, California.

Charlie Mitchele

I've known since a young age that I wasn't like everybody else. Girls and boys in the kindergarten class would get 'married' and live throughout their childhood together.

I would just sit in the back of the class and wonder why I wasn't attracted to the prettiest girl in the class. Why was I attracted to the hottest boy in the class? I got bullied for liking guys over girls. 

My parents disowned me when I came out to them. I came out as gay just to my family when I was fourteen. They told me they wouldn't allow a faggot in their house, so I stayed with my grandma who told me she accepted me no matter who I loved. 

Sadly, she died a few months before I started my sophomore year of highschool. She died from a rare genetic disease called FFI, which killed her a short six months after the diagnosis. 

I soon became closeted again. I told my parents that I had a girlfriend and that was it. I have short black hair that goes slightly over my face. I'm not very tall. Five foot-four at the tallest. God, I look so gay. 

My name is Charlie Louis Mitchele. I'm sixteen and I live in Los Angeles, California. I'm going to try my best to survive in a new highschool where everyone is straight and homophobic as fuck.

Charlotte Nickleson

I'm the single mother of Andy. I used to be married to Andy's father, but he divorced me after I got pregnant with Andy.

After Andy was born, Johnny fled without cause and left our two young sons with me. We were wanting a daughter, but stopped at Andy. Andy wasn't his real name, but I didn't want that name for him.

Andy... That name had came from my father. It was his first name. Grandpa Andy Logan.

Caleb my oldest died by a drug-induced suicide. It was out of the anger of heartbreak and drugs. He was mentally insane and he suffered through it with nothing to help him cope with what he was going through. He went to a mental hospital for about a month, and yet, nothing seemed to help him...

Now, since he's in a better place, everyone who ever loved him can be at peace; knowing that he is finally free.

I now have to deal with my youngest son being an only child and him graduating and not killing himself.

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