The king nodded and took his seat.

My heart pounded as I stood before all of the high-ranking wolves in our kingdom.

"The duty of our great kingdom is to aid our allies in their time of need.

In this tumultuous world, we are not alone in facing the challenges that threaten our peace and prosperity. Our allies, too, must contend with dangers both foreign and domestic, and it is our duty as a just and honorable kingdom to stand by their side in their hour of need.

This does not mean, however, that we should blindly throw ourselves into every conflict that arises. We must be judicious in our actions and carefully consider the best course of action to serve the interests of our kingdom and our allies.

But when the call to action comes, we must be ready to answer. Whether through the deployment of our soldiers, the provision of aid and resources, or the offering of counsel and support, we must do all that we can to aid those who stand with us.

For in this world, we are stronger together than we are apart. By standing with our allies, we not only fulfill our duties as honorable and just rulers, but we also ensure the safety and security of our own kingdom.

So let us pledge today to be ready and willing to aid our allies in their time of need, and may our actions serve to strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation that bind us together."

The Alphas, Betas, and a few Gammas who came to the meeting stood and clapped. I breathed a sigh of relief that I was able to at least get most everyone on the same page.

"That was very well said," Marsha said, clasping my hands. "Bravo, Princess."

"Thank you, Marsha. I will admit, I was so nervous. I'm not much of a public speaker."

"Oh, honey, you did wonderfully!" she stated.

"Great job, sweetheart," my father said, hugging me. "I am so proud of the wonderful leader you're turning into."

"Thanks, dad."

"Princess Elanor, that was a rousing speech."

I turned to see Rich standing next to his father, Gamma Arthur. Rich seemed different though. He didn't have the same goofy smirk on his face that he always had. 

"Rich, thank you. How are you?"


"Um, that's good," I said, glancing at Gamma Arthur.

Rich nodded and walked away from us. He looked sad. Really, really sad.

"Majesty, forgive Rich's poor way right now. His mate, Lucy, passed away."

"Oh, my Goddess. No! What happened?"

"It was during childbirth. There was a rupture of something and she bled out. They weren't able to save her, but they did save the pup."

"Oh, poor Rich. How is he?" I asked.

"It's still raw for him, but I think he'll be okay."

My heart hurt for him. To lose ones mate so early in life, it was almost a life sentence to solitude and loneliness. Unless he found another without a mate.

I watched as King Orsand approached Anwar and spoke to him in a low whisper. Anwar looked dejected and just nodded his head.

Edmond kissed my cheek and joined the conversation of Marsha, dad, Alastair, and Wesley.

"Are you okay?" he asked, noticing I wasn't paying attention.

"Hmm? Yes, I'm fine. Just worried about my old Alpha."

Edmond followed my gaze to the two men who stood in the corner talking.

"I don't think my dad wants Alex to be the next Alpha."

"What? He can't decide that. Can he?"

Edmond shook his head. "No, but he can strongly suggest that the Alpha declare someone else his heir."

"Anwar has no other children."

"He could make the Beta or Beta's heir the next Alpha."

"What? You mean my..."

Edmond nodded his head.

"No. That's not going to happen."

"Who is your father's heir?" Edmond asked.

"Um, my brother Tristan." I shook my head. "But who would be Beta?"

"The Gamma would become Beta and then Alpha would appoint a new Gamma."

"Has that ever happened?"

"A few times I believe. If an Alpha or a future Alpha is deemed unfit to rule, they're removed or disinherited."


"It's not a decision made lightly," Edmond said. "But, maybe they'll just have Alex go through some sort of training or classes."

"We're going to have to find out, my love."

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