'But he has written that he stole'

'Such a shameless boy he is. Thuu!' Mrs. Jaya spits. 'No character'

Pooja can't control herself at this. 'Don't speak about him like that, Amma'

'I will speak. You don't open your mouth! You have said everything in the marriage hall only. To insult us. What else you have, haah?'

Pooja exhales loudly.

'I showed this letter so that you all know how honest he has been. So what if he had relationships in the past?'

'See, relationship! This word was only not there during our times. No ship, no boat, nothing!'

Ishita stifles her laughter, closing her mouth with her palm. Paartha gives a dry smile.

'All this is because of those American web series you people watch these days. Learn, learn more from it' Mrs. Saroja remarks.

'Which new web series you have started Akka?' Ishita asks Pooja, and promptly backs off after receiving a death stare.

'What will people say?' Mrs. Jaya speaks to herself loudly, resting her palm on her forehead. 'They are already laughing at us, because of you!'

'We'll search someone for her, don't worry' Mrs. Saroja decides. 'People will forget this after some time'

'It's too late for that Saru' Pooja replies, crossing her arms, and leaning back on the sofa.

Mrs. Jaya suddenly gets up, grabs Pooja's arm and pulls her to the side. The others can see but not hear them.

'Why are you saying it is too late? What have you both done?' She hisses.

Pooja stares at her mother unblinkingly. 'What?'

'You and that boy. What all have you both done? I want the truth!' Mrs. Jaya asks gravely. 'Swear on me and tell'

'Amma! We have not done anything!' Pooja can't believe what she has just heard. 'Is that all you believe in me?'

'I used to believe you more than anyone else. Until you stabbed my back like that' Mrs. Jaya shakes her head traumatically, and walks back to the dining table. 'Now... you just throw this letter away and forget about him'

She picks up the letter and tears it up noisily. Pooja stares at her for a moment.

'It is a xerox copy...I took it from the office room printer' Pooja calmly walks back to the sofa.

'What? Where is the original letter?'

'The original paper is rose pressed' Ishita adds knowledgeably. 

'Give it' Mrs. Jaya demands tersely.

'No way, Amma' Pooja says in a low voice.

'You are going to hide it from us?'

'I'm an adult. I can'

'See, this is also from those foreign web series only!' Mrs. Saroja closes her eyes shut.

'So what if you are adult?' Mrs. Jaya scoffs. 'Till you get married, you have to listen to us. This is not America'

'But you are not letting me marry the person I love'

'See, see, see!' Mrs. Jaya tells everyone, and looks at her husband. 'How she has learned to disrespect parents! All because of him only'

'Not because of the web series this time, huh?' Paartha wonders loudly.

Ishita giggles uncontrollably, hiding her face behind her netted dupatta.

'You keep quiet' Mrs. Jaya warns him. 'See what your sister is doing! You won't tell her anything? You are her elder brother'

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