Perfect. // Dandy Mott

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Some would say I didn't have a very normal childhood.

But Id rather grow up with 'freaks' than my actual parents who deemed it acceptable to leave their newborn baby on the side of the road.

However, It had been 16 years since then and I'm not one to hold grudges. I was happy with Elsa, who was more of a mother than my maternal blood would ever be.

I'd been with her since the day she'd decided she wanted to own a freak show. I'd always been amazed at the way she redefined the word into something to be fascinated by rather than something to gawp at.

"Val! Are you almost ready?"
I heard Jimmy tell from a distance away.
The whole tent had been sold out tonight so everyone was rushing around making sure everything was perfect.

I shouted back, finishing off my makeup and then draping a silk gown over my shoulders in order to keep warm before my act.

As you could probably tell, I wasn't necessarily a 'freak'. There was nothing abnormal about me so I usually just announced a few acts or helped play instruments, as I was quite fond of the violin.

Although today I was only doing an introduction, announcing the first act and then of course ending the show. Which I was quite glad about, having stage fright and working in a freak show wasn't exactly very convenient.

"Valerie, come on the show is starting!"
Jimmy said, now peeking his head around the curtain of my bedroom.

"Wow, you look good."
Jimmy said, now taking a few steps towards me and taking one my hands into his own.

"Why thank you Mr Darling!"
I joked, curtsying in-front of him. He winked and smiled before remembering we were supposed to be in a rush to get to the main tent.

We ran through the cold October air and towards the backstage entrance to be met with semi organised chaos.

I left Jimmy and walked towards the side stage, just in time for the lights to dim and spotlights to appear on the stage. I threw the gown off my shoulders then adjusted my hair before strutting onto the stage.

I was taken slightly aback when realising that the audience only consisted of two individuals instead of the 50 I was expecting.

There was a man maybe in his twenties and a women considerably older than him. The man who was previously slumped back in his seat has now perked up realising that the show had began.

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