Does Kaz get Ketterdam a Mother's Day card?

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A/N the title is long I know but like it's a legit question. 💀💀💀

Kaz's POV
Hm. So that Clint guy was introduced as pigeon right?

When will he notice his watch, a mysterious tablet of metal that lights up, and his wallet are gone?

Kaz couldn't wait to find out.

But then the one they called Natasha stepped forward.

"You're all teenagers?"

Wylan and Nina looked down as if ashamed by the statement. Jesper and Inej just stared straight on, if anything they straightened their postures to stand tall and challenge the statement. Matthias just stood tall and proud as if claiming teenagers as his own.

"Jesus Christ, Where are y'all parents??" Sam asked them all almost angrily.

Everybody but Kaz bursted out laughing. When the Crows stopped their jeering they all responded.

Nina: "dead."
Matthias: "dead."
Wylan: "one is deranged but we're working on it, the other is imprisoned and if Kaz had given me the chance dead."
Jesper: "Merchling, it's adorable when you try to be murderous. Da is alive, mother is..." he seemed to get a far away look in his eyes. "She's dead."
Inej: "my parents are alive and well thank you."

Kaz stayed silent.

Nina seemed to get excited from her corner of the room.

"Say it."
"Say what"
"Say it Kazzle Dazzle nobody does the line like you do!"

The Avengers watched the two teenagers like they'd just found the deadliest tennis match ever. Back and forth the two argued.

"Nina dearest I have no idea what you speak of."
She sighed and switched to Ravkan easily. "Say the line about your 'parents' Kazzie."

He replied in flawless Ravkan. "Call me those names again and you'll find yourself floating in a canal."

Kaz sighed. Again. Saints these people were irritating. Kaz stood up, leaning himself over the desk and staring straight at the Avengers.

"You want to know who my parents are? Fine. Ketterdam is my mother, she birthed me from the harbors. Profit is my father, I honor him daily. I'm the kind of bastard only the barrel can manufacture. This city is made of monsters in fact, you'll be quick to learn I'm the one with the longest teeth."

The Avengers stared at the terrifying teen in front of them as he stood, dead serious.

A silence over took the room.

"Look, it's getting late." Wylan said quietly. "Jes and I should get back to the mansion."

"Stay for the night." Kaz said quickly. He didn't want to seem like he cared but he was caring enough to know the streets wouldn't be safe tonight. "There's plenty of rooms in the Slat still."

"Thank you-" Jesper began.

"Don't." Kaz threatened half-heartedly.

Jesper threw Kaz a mischievous grin and simply tipped his top hat. Kaz turned to look at Inej, her eyes were a light in the midnight glow of Ketterdam's streets, moonlight filtered through the window perch she used to love, it hit her face perfectly. She would never let him call her Sankta Inej. No matter how much he whispered it under his breath.

A shot rang through the air. Sharp pain pierced Kaz's torso, another cracked through the Slat's polluted air, a second sharp pain in his right shoulder.

Kaz!" Inej nearly screamed, racing towards him with concern in her eyes.

Colorful swearing filled the air as Kaz stuttered forward, gripping the desk for purchase.

Jesper fired three shots from his revolver.

"Did you get him at least?" Kaz asked while Inej carefully manipulated him into the chair. She was careful not to touch his bare skin. Jesper nodded and raced downstairs to get the med kit.

"Matthias and I will go find the corpse." Nina said with a curt nod to Inej. Kaz couldn't be sure what was going on.

"Fuck, I'm bleeding all over my favorite shirt. This is my favorite chair too." He muttered.

"You don't have a favorite shirt Kaz and chairs can be replaced.

The one they called Sam entered his vision and he flinched away instinctively. Steve, Sam, and Inej flirted over his spotted line of sight.

"Inej, no. No. No please."

"I know Kaz. I know." She said rapidly as Jesper raced in with supplies.

"You won't die today buddy, you'll be fine." Steve said. He was aiming at encouraging but everything lurched as Steve touched Kaz's forehead.

A/N: This is where YOU, my lovely readers, get to ChoOsE the next part of the story!!  Do you want to see:

1. Angsty/Bitter and closed off Kaz

2. Emotional only to Crows Kaz (featuring Protective Crows)

3. Panicking Kaz and EXTREMELY Protective Crows with a surprise guest: Big Brothers Jesper and Matthias being their brotherly selves!

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