What Business?

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Steve's POV

Steve had lingered in the front of the group, but everyone else had seemed to huddle in the front of the alleyway ready to join the fray.

Suddenly, there was steel to his throat and a woman whispering in his ear to be quiet.

Bucky saw this and raised his gun immediatly, alerting the rest of the group who protectively raised their weapons.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you." A voice called down from above them, Steve risked a glance up and saw two men with guns trained on them.

"Wraith, bring the strangers out to play. We won't bite, unless they do first." The one they called 'Dirtyhands' called to the woman. His rasp was rough like he was gargling gravel. Apparently, the woman with the knives was called Wraith.

The woman prodded him forward, the knife still steady on Steve's neck.

The Avengers followed Steve and the woman as they were brought into the open. The remaining people stood in the harbor precariously, all ready to attack at a moments notice. In the center stood the pale figure they'd seen throw a man into the harbor. Dirtyhands, whoever the hell that was. They were walked to mere strides away from the man, Steve didn't even know if that's what you could call him.

Next to Dirtyhands stood a curvy and extremely beautiful woman. She had a maroon cloak on that seemed to nearly compliment her sparkling green eyes. Light chestnut hair fell from her head in waves.

On the other side of Dirtyhands stood a hulking mass of muscle, the man looked like Thor almost. His hair was more a pale blonde than truly golden, and his eyes were that like ice. He had twin axes by his sides and carried himself like a warrior. No, like a soldier. Steve recognized that stance because he'd had it his whole life.

"What business?" Dirtyhands called out.

Strange stepped forward, his hands raised in surrender. "We need information. That's all. We get that and we'll be out of your way."

Dirtyhands smiled.

"Fine, if you wish to trade in information it can't be here. Can I trust you and your friends to follow like good hounds to a more...secure location?" Dirtyhands asked with an annoyingly amused expression.

Strange nodded, and Steve hated that the wizard wanted to speak for them all.

"Follow us. Don't speak. And you hurt any of my men, you'll see what else I can do."

Steve didn't want to know what else Dirtyhands could do, so the Avengers followed reluctantly.

*time skip brought to you by Pietro RIP the second hottest Maximoff sibling**they're at the Slat btw*

Tony's POV
Dirtyhands walked them up the stairs to his office. He said only six of them could come up. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint and Strange were voted to go up. The rest would left and were assured they'd be safe, and if anything Tony knew they could handle themselves. It seemed to be in the attic, and surprisingly nobody complained about the stairs.

Tony had noticed the name of the odd place that seemed like some form of hotel, The Slat. It listed to one side and lived up to its name of being oddly shaped.

Dirtyhands swiftly stepped in to the office and opened the door, allowing his crew of six to walk in first. The Avengers followed inside, the crammed by the door, but everyone managed to fit.

The one is called Wraith gracefully took her post in the shadows behind Dirtyhands to the right. Tony glared at her slightly, remembering the cold steel against Steve's throat. She had a split second look at Dirtyhands. They communicated to each other with no words at all, something Tony dared to call a Lover's gaze. Dirtyhands wordlessly melted himself into his chair.

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