chapter 6

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Zaviyar was late

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Zaviyar was late. Everyone has already retired to their room. Amayra was panicking as it was pouring outside but everyone assured her that it's nothing strange Zaviyar used to come late before as well.

The sound of door opening caught her attention. she ran to main door and there he stood. fully drenched and sneezing, his nose all red and he was holding a box.

''ya Allah, I told you to wear jacket but no you don't listen.'' Amayra rested her hands on the side on her hips. ''and if you knew you will be late then couldn't you inform.'' she didn't stop there and went on. ''also, where is your umbrella? you know there is an umbrella in the car then why didn't you use it, why are you drenched?''

''this...*sneeze**sneeze*..for..*sneeze*'' Zaviyar extended the box towards her and sneezed

''yeh kya ha?'' Amayra frowned.
(what's this?)

when Zaviyar continued sneezing, Amayra sighed and went to fetch a towel. Grabbing the box, she put it aside and started rubbing Zaviyar with the towel all the while scolding him.

''bache banne ka shauk ha apko.'' She mumbled.
(you just like to act like kids.)

she made him sit and went behind him. As she covered him with a duvet. He took advantage of the chance and rested his back against her stomach. Amayra continued drying him.

suddenly Zaviyar flinched and turned to her.

''where is the box?'' he asked

''oh god, let me take care of you first then I will open it as well.'' Amayra moved to turn the heater on.

''no no that box is the only reason I am late. I did all this for that.'' Amayra glared at him and huffed. When Zaviyar pouted, she sighed and went to get the box.

''aaram se.'' Zaviyar said as Amayra slammed the box down.


Amayra gasped as she opened the box and saw a small kitten lying there. All scared.

''I found it at the side of the road. it was raining and she was drenched so I took her to vet.'' Zaviyar said all the while sneezing.

Now she understood. he wasn't sneezing because of cold, but because of the kitten.

''Zaviyar but you are allergic to cat.'' Amayra mumbled.

''yes I am.''

''but the cat.''

''We can make a separate room for it. As long as it stays there, I won't care.'' He shrugged.


Zaviyar was burning. His temperature won't come down. Deep down Amayra felt guilty. Amayra was taking full care of him but him, he was just teasing her.

''Zaviyar take your medicine.'' Amayra informed him and went to wardrobe.

''why haven't you taken your medicine yet?'' Amayra glared at him.

''Give it to me by yourself.'' he emotionally pleaded.

Amayra sighed. Taking the pill out she went near him and put it in his mouth. The whole time, his gaze was burning holes in her.

''here change your shirt. You sweated a lot so you might stink.'' she gave him his shirt when he held her wrist.

''I can't take my shirt off. I am so tired. Please help me to wear it.''

Amayra’s eyes widened and was about to deny when he pouted. Sighing she looked around and went near him. She held the hem of his shirt and lifted it up. Zaviyar gripped her elbows and pulled her close.

Amayra nervously gulped and rapidly changed his shirt. As soon as she was done, she ran out of the room.

In evening Fozia called Amayra into her room.

''ammi you called me.'' Amayra said as she entered.

''yes beta, come sit.'' Fozia patted the side of her bed for her to sit.

''there is a wedding and you know how old we both are so we can't go. I wanted to ask if you and Zaviyar could go.'' Amayra took the invitation card from her hand and nodded.

''also, why don't you guys and see your house.'' Fozia smiled while Amayra nodded, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

''the wedding is this weekend so Zaviyar will probably get better till then.'' They discussed the relatives and then Amayra went to check on Zaviyar.

Amayra opened her wardrobe to see what to wear. She had a lot of fancy dresses due to her wedding. Now she finally has a chance to wear them. It was hard to select which one to wear. Zaviyar came from behind and noticed how puzzled she looked.

''what happened?''

''there is a wedding and I don't know what to wear.''

Zaviyar searched through her closet when his eyes landed on a saree.

''wear this.'' He showed her the saree.

''I don't know how to wear a saree. I haven't worn it ever.'' She softly spoke.

''well, there is a first time for everything and Mishal can help you.'' He suggested.


''by the way, when is the wedding?'' Zaviyar questioned.

''this weekend.''

''abbu was saying that we should go visit our house. The renovation is finished so we have to start shifting our things there.'' Zaviyar leaned against the wall and looked at her who was ironing her saree.

''how about we go there after the wedding.'' Amayra said.

''as you wish, wifey.'' he went near her and kissed the side of her head.

she was used to him kissing her whenever he had the chance. but every time he kissed her, butterflies would erupt in her stomach and her cheeks would turn red.

when she was done with her chores, she went to mishal's room where her kitten was. she named her velvet because she was so soft and warm. velvet was always with her except when Zaviyar was there.

Even though, Zaviyar acted as it didn't matter; Amayra knew how much he was trying to control himself. Nevertheless, Amayra tried to find a different solution and still hasn't come with one.


Finally, Zaviyar was not sick anymore. He used to throw tantrums all day and complain about eating medicines.

Amayra was getting ready for the wedding. Mishal was doing her makeup and talking non-stop.

''you look ravishing.'' Mishal said she finished the last step.

''thank you Mishal, you are always there for me.'' Amayra was grateful for having her.

''you know you will love the bride. I went to her mehndi last night and she is super sweet.'' Sometimes Amayra wondered how could Mishal be happy all the time.

''I don’t know her and I am super nervous.''

''her name is Huda.'' Amayra looked at her surprised.

Even though, she admitted not liking the kids, but Amayra secretly loved the idea of having one of her own. so, like every other girl she always wondered her babies names. and the name Huda was on top list.

Zaviyar came upstairs to inform her that they were getting late. Amayra nodded and told him to wait in the car. she ran to mishal's room and kissed velvet and went running to the car.

as she sat, Zaviyar took a deep-breath. She looked extremely beautiful.

''I am so nervous.'' Amayra said.

''you don't have to be. and what are you nervous about?'' He ignited the engine and took the car out of it's parking.

''this is the first time I am going to your family's wedding and that too without Fozia aunty.''

Lots of question were being produced in her head right. what if due to her clumsiness she embarrasses Zaviyar? or what if she forgets someone and they think she is rude? and the list went on and on.

''I don't even know whose wedding this is and I am already having panic attack.'' Zaviyar chuckled.

''you don't have to be nervous. he is my friend Hamza and his bride is Huda. Both are cousins. they got married under critical circumstances.'' The fact that they were not family but just friend relaxed her a bit.

''we will leave early because we have to visit out house too.'' Amayra nodded.

The rest of their ride was long but soothing. Soft music was being played at the background as they conversed about small topics all the while Zaviyar explained her and told her about his childhood.

''Even though the first few years of my life were hell, I am thankful dad realized his mistake before it was too late.'' Zaviyar chuckled but Amayra frowned and gave him a puzzled look.

''what did you mean with that.'' she asked softly. Zaviyar sighed and gave her a small sad smile.

''I am talking about the thing dad told you about before our marriage.'' although it was hard for him to talk about it, he had to. she was wife.

''abbu didn't tell me anything. specially about your past.''

The car came to a sudden stop. thank God the road was empty.

''I am talking about my past. I personally asked dad to tell you about it before asking for proposal. Didn't he tell you anything?'' Zaviyar exclaimed, looking totally surprised.

when Amayra nodded negatively, Zaviyar thought for a moment. So zahid didn't tell her. Zaviyar felt anger building up inside him due to his father.

He has to talk to Zahid. How could he do that? after all the mistakes he did, how could he do that to him again. He broke his trust once again.

Amayra noticed the way his whole body tensed in a matter of seconds so she rested her hand against his biceps.

''what is it?'' Zaviyar shaked his head in no and wiped a lone tear that fell from his left eye.

They reached the wedding hall in some minutes. Surprisingly, the wedding was not as scary as Amayra had pictured in her mind.

Huda was so sweet, so was Hamza. however, she noticed some tension between the couple. As planned Zaviyar told her to bid goodbye to everyone because they had to leave.

As Amayra came out of the parking she saw him talking on his phone. It looked like he was arguing with that particular person he was on call with.

''I only had condition dad. how could you that?'' Zaviyar ran his hand through his hair meanwhile the other person who she thinks is zahid spoke.

''How could you be selfish dad. Leave it we will talk about it when I reach home.'' Zaviyar turned around and saw her fidgeting with her fingers. He smiled and cut the call.

Noticing how her whole body was tensed, he held her shoulders in his hands and kissed the side of her head.

''No matter how angry I am, whenever I see you, my anger disappears.'' he whispered. ''lets go and see our house.''

Amayra nodded and in the car. When they were near the destination, Zaviyar asked her to cover her eyes.

She did as he said. Zaviyar helped her out of the car and positioned her to the front of their home so that as soon she opens her eyes, she could see it all at once.

''open your eyes.'' he whispered against her ears.

when Amayra opened her eyes, she was mesmerized. The house was beautiful. not too big and not too small. It was as if her dream house was just in front of her.

She squealed and without realizing she threw her arm around his neck while muttering a thank you continuously. Zaviyar was taken back but nevertheless he too wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.

when they pulled apart, Amayra looked embarrassed. To ease off the tension Zaviyar asked if she wants go inside to which she agreed. due to renovation, whole house was messy so he held her hand in his and took her inside.

they looked around the house. Amayra ran to one room to another already deciding which room will belong to velvet and which one will belong to Mishal.

All the while, she consulted the color theme with him. Zaviyar relaxed after seeing her this happy.

Suddenly all the lights went off. the room turned all cold and completely dark. Zaviyar sensed her shaking beside him. he turned to look at her. the room was complete black but he could her thanks to the small light of full moon outside.

she was shaking, tears slowly running down her eyes. Zaviyar held her hand which were completely cold.

''Amayra'' he whispered to which he didn’t receive any reply.

''Amayra.'' this time it got her attention. she looked around for him and took small steps backward.

he could see her due to the moonlight but unfortunately she couldn't.

''relax.'' Zaviyar also moved with her. Amayra’s back was plastered against the wall.

''Zaviyar, do so-something. I have Nyctophobia. I-I f-feel like I am dying.'' even now she couldn't see him but she could feel. she knew he was there. he was holding her hand.

''Do you have your phone?'' he asked and cupped the side of her face.

''n-n-o. it's in my bag, in the car.'' Amayra sobbed.

''wait for me. I will go fetch it.'' he whispered trying to relax but she tensed more.

''no no, don’t leave me alone.'' Amayra held his hand tightly.

Zaviyar didn't know what to do. He couldn't take her because going downstairs in this dark and messy room might be dangerous for her. but He couldn't just wait. Her tears and sobbing sound were shattering his heart

He thought for a minute and an idea popped into his mind. HEe knew it was dumb thing to do in this situation but it was only one too.

''Amayra.'' he whispered and leaned near her.

''do you trust me?'' she nodded continuously.


With that he slammed his lips on hers.
His hand on her face was like an ice on a flame.

He moved his lips against hers and smiled when he noticed how she was not crying anymore.

I took her a moment to realize what is happening. He was kissing her. Everything round her blured. At that moment all that mattered was him. Him kissing her. And that kiss feeling good. She wanted to kiss him back so she did.

His intentions were to just kiss her and move back but when he felt her lips also moving with his, he dropped the idea.

they pulled apart for a moment and in hoarse voice he said ''sorry'' and slammed his mouth on hers once again.

Amayra didn't know what she wanted but this one thing she was sure of was that this moment is real and she is loving it.


you guys didn't expect that, right? neither did i.
anyways, how was the chapter?
Do you guys remember hamza and huda? I wanted to mention them because i miss them so much


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