chapter 3

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The next day when he woke up, he saw her side was empty

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The next day when he woke up, he saw her side was empty. Honestly, he was a bit disappointed that she went downstairs without him. Sighing he got up and went to washroom. As soon as he was about to open the door, it opened revealing Amayra. Her cheeks were rosy and steam was coming from behind her. why do girls like to boil themselves in the shower?

Amayra’s eyes widened when she saw him. she still needed a few minutes to get ready.

''I can't find the hair dryer.'' She said in a low voice.

''Wait. I will give it to you.'' Amayra nodded as Zaviyar went inside the washroom and came out with the hair dryer.

''Amayra.'' her heart skipped a beat when she heard her name from his tongue.

''yes.'' she looked at him with big doe eyes.

''Wait for me. Let's go together for the breakfast.'' She nodded. ''And can you take my clothes out, please.'' Amayra nodded once again. Zaviyar gave her a small smile.

After drying her hair, she made the bed when her eyes landed on the box on the side table. With shaking hands she opened the box. The ring was really beautiful. She sighed and took the ring out and wore it. Something suddenly came to her mind. how did he know about her size? Mishal!

Smiling to herself she went to the wardrobe and took his clothes out. Amayra made sure that their outfit matched. she was wearing a long frock in emerald green color. So, she took out an emerald color shirt out for him.

Taking a deep breath, she looked around when realization hit her. She was lowering her walls around her heart, she was enjoying it way too much, she has to start building her walls back, she has to warn Zaviyar how he should stay away from her, how she is incapable of loving. Tears started brimming her eyes.

She should talk to him and tell him know how he doesn't deserve her. oh god!

she was startled when she heard someone knocking her door continuously. Carefully, Amayra wiped her tears. As soon as she opened the door someone jumped on her.

''bhabhi.'' Amayra gave Mishal a questioning look. yeah, Mishal is crazy but not this much.

''Mishal?'' she called her. ''yes, Bhabhi.'' Mishal grinned at her.

''it's me. why are you looking for your Bhabhi here?'' Mishal laughed out loud and clapped.

''Because you are my Bhabhi.'' Realization hit her like a rock. oh, now she Zaviyar's wife so that makes her Mishal's bhabhi.

''please don't call me that.'' As soon as Mishal was about to say something, an arm draped around her waist.

''why shouldn't she call you Bhabhi.'' he said and looked at Mishal. ''call her Bhabhi even if she asks you not to and I will increase your pocket money.'' his words left her mouth open. ''you are bribing your baby sister.''

''no, I am not. I am just rewarding her.'' he shrugged and brushed his hair.

''anyways, I am here to call you guys downstairs. breakfast is ready.'' Amayra nodded and was about to go with Mishal when Zaviyar. ''Mishal you go we will be there in a minute.'' saying that he closed the door.

''I told you we will go together and you were going to with her.''

''yes but...'' he cut her off. ''there is something else I have to give you.'' he added. opening the drawer, he took out another box. In a second, he was in front of her. when he opened the box, it disclosed the most beautiful necklace she has ever seen, and also the most expensive.

''I got this for you when I had to go for an emergency trip to Dubai a week before to our Nikkah. It was supposed to be your nikkah gift but I couldn't give it to you.'' Zaviyar scratched his neck. ''it is so beautiful.'' she whispered while still admiring the necklace.

''can I put this on you?'' he asked and Amayra stepped back and shaked her head negatively. ''I can't wear it. it's too expensive.'' she stated to which he frowned.

''a pretty girl like you deserves more expensive gifts. this necklace is nothing in front of you.'' he replied.

''you flirt a lot.'' Amayra giggled.

''saved all these tricks for my wife. finally got a chance to use them.'' Zaviyar joked and went on. ''okay if you don't want to wear it then don't. I will put this in the wardrobe and you can put it on when we go outside for dinner or to attend a wedding. okay?'' Zaviyar raised his eyebrow at her. ''okay''

After putting it in its place they both went to the dining room. Mishal was helping Fozia with the table. Amayra decided to help them. As they were eating, zahid cleared his throat.

''Amayra beta, when you and Zaviyar are done with breakfast you guys can go to your parent's house.'' she stopped eating as soon as she heard his words. her breath hitched.

''but why?'' she questioned. the change in her posture didn't go unnoticed by Zaviyar.

''it's a ritual. the bride goes to her parent's house after valima'’ zahid stated.

''yes, but we did shalima then why do I have to go back.'' she questioned

''because it's a ritual and I am sure your parents will be waiting for you.'' Huh! She mentally scoffed. only if they know.

After that everyone started discussing about the wedding. Mishal was cursing some aunties for asking her if she was engaged or not. Meanwhile, Fozia and Zahid were trying to calm her. All the while, Zaviyar noticed how Amayra stopped eating and was suddenly silent.


After finishing the breakfast, Amayra and Zaviyar went to put their shoes on.

''can I ask you for a favor?'' Amayra pleaded.

''why not? you don't have to ask.'' Zaviyar knew something was wrong.

''can you please cover up for me.'' what? he gave her a confused look.

''I will stay at a hotel. can you please make sure that no one gets to know I didn't go back to my dad's house.'' she said while nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

''if you don't want to go back you can just say it. no one will force you.'' it seemed necessary to remind her.

''no, you don't understand. uncle has already done a lot for me. I asked for shalima and he did it. I don't want to disappoint him. please.'' Zaviyar sighed.

''Amayra listen. everything he did was because he thinks of you as his own daughter. if you don't want to go back then it's okay. it's your decision to take.'' Zaviyar held her trembling body. she was shaking for nothing.

''are you sure?"

''yes, but why don't you want to go back?'' Amayra froze hearing him. shit!

''it's just that I have lived there my whole life. it makes no sense going back you know.'' there was more. no one trembled the way she did just for this. nevertheless, he still let it pass. today or tomorrow, she will have to tell him herself.


The next few days were busy. they hardly had time to spent with each other. Everyday they had to go to someone's house for dinner. And the days they didn't, someone would come to meet her.

But that was not the only reason they weren't able to spend time with each other. she was also distancing herself from him. the same way she did before their wedding. she would give him short answers to everything he asked.

Sometimes he would wonder if the time of their wedding was just his imagination. maybe he was that desperate for her to talk to him that he hallucinated her talking to him.

whatever it was he won't sit back.

if she doesn't want to talk to him, then he will make her talk to him.

if she avoids facing him then, he will make her face her.

later that night, when she entered, she was shocked to find him awake. she would come late so he sleeps and she doesn't have to talk to him. throwing a glance at him she went straight and took the prayer mat. she was praying more and more just so he sleeps and she doesn't have to face him.

''I know what you are trying to do Amayra.'' his voice was firm and she could feel anger dripping from the way he said it.

sighing she got up and folded the prayer mat.

''come I want to talk to you.'' Zaviyar patted his left side. Amayra knew that she can't run now. looking around she went and sat.

''what is it?'' his calm voice was soothing.

''nothing.'' she whispered.

''there is and you are going to tell me.'' he put his hand on hers. Amayra’s head shot up.

''promise me you will do what I say?'' the way she said it was giving him bad vibes.

''I won't promise you but tell me.'' Amayra focused on his hand which was resting on hers.

''will you do as I ask you to?'' tears were slowly making their way into her eyes.

''it depends.'' Zaviyar wiped her tears.

''give me 6 months. I will make sure no one likes me and.....'' zaviyar's frowned. ''.... after that you can divorce me.'' and with that she dropped the bomb.

Zaviyar waited for a few minutes. maybe he misheard her. no way in hell she said that.

''sorry, come again.'' he composed himself once again in hope of hearing something positive.

''after 6 months, divorce me.'' he got up angrily.

''enough Amayra.'' for the first time he shouted.


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