chapter 2

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Amayra wasn't feeling good so they left

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Amayra wasn't feeling good so they left. they couldn't talk on the day of their nikkah. And until now they haven't talked.

He knew she was okay on nikkah day. She just made an excuse so she doesn't have to talk.

But now she won't have any option. No excuse will help her now.


In no time there wedding day came. He couldn't keep his giddiness inside. His stomach will start feeling ticklish randomly. Yesterday it was her mehndi. It was a only ladies function so only Mishal and his mother went. Later, his sister emptied his wallet just to show her picture but it was worth it.

Zaviyar couldn't wait to see his wife. She is going to be his dulhan and he will be her dulha. He did a quick check to see if her gift was there where he left it. Perfect. It was there along with her nikkah's gift which he never had a chance to give.

There was a strange feeling inside him. He was feeling relaxed but at the same time he felt like something was wrong. Taking a deep breath he went downstairs. There were some rituals they will do and then they can finally go to bring his bride back to her home.

He was also excited to see her in the dress he choose for her. Zahid swore to himself that Amayra's parent don't have to spend a penny on the wedding. According to him, they are already giving them their most valuable piece so why should they spend their money.

Instead of doing two functions, they decided to do a grand shalima.


They reached the venue after some hours. Her family was yet to come. Not long after she also came. She was sent to the bridal room. Some minutes later Mishal came running to him and whispered to him. ''bhai come it's time for the photoshoot.'' Zaviyar nodded and signaled her to go and he is coming.

Excusing himself he went, well ran to where she was. As soon as he was about to open the door, Mishal came in front of him.

''kahan chale?'' She raised her eyebrows at him and folded her arms in front of her chest as to intimidate him. She is just 5'2 while he is 6'2. If she wants to tease him then he will let her. After all, this all is happening thanks to Mishal.
(where to?)

''tumhi ne to kahan ke photoshoot ke liye a jaun'' He replied.
(you asked me to come for photoshoot).

''kaha to hai lekin itni asaani se to nhi dekhne du gi mein apko apki dulhan.'' She smirked.
(yes I did but that doesn't mean I will let you see your bride that easily).

''to kiya chahiye meri bhen ko?'' He sighed while taking his wallet out.
(so what does my sister want?)

''I want to order two things and I will do it now with your account and you will accept the payment.'' She ordered and took her phone out.

''buhat mehengi nhi ho gai tum.'' He muttered and also took his phone out.
(aren't you getting too expensive?)

In only one minute his phone pinged and he accepted the payment without even looking at the price. He knows if his sister ordered it then it will be hella expensive. There is no point at checking the price.

''done! I just ordered a perfume and a bag and they will be delivered next week. the bag is for me and the perfume is for your wife.'' She added.

''okay but can I go inside now please.'' Mishal laughed out loud when she saw his eagerness and nodded.

Taking a deep breath he entered.


Right when he thought she couldn't be more beautiful, she proves him wrong. She was looking ravishing, mesmerizing, angelic..... no words were enough to describe how beautiful she looked.

Amayra was nervous. Hella nervous. Why isn't he saying anything? What if she looks bad. Is her makeup still in place. What if she was looking ugly and Mishal was saying that she looks good just to not hurt her. shit! she could feel tears at the back of her eyes. She tried to blink them away but what's the point. She already looks ugly so it wouldn't even matter if she cries.

This is so embarrassing!

She turned back and sat on the chair. Zaviyar moved closer to her. Just as he was about to say something the photographer entered.

''Hello. my name is Hadia and I am your photographer.'' She raised her hand to shake it with Zaviyar but Amayra glared at him. Hadia gulped and took her hand back. Zaviyar acted as if he saw nothing and smiled to himself.

''The setup is ready so we can go.'' Saying that she went outside and Zaviyar raised his hand in front of her. Amayra looked at his hand and then his face and put her hand in his as they together went outside.

During the photoshoot, Amayra was getting annoyed by Hadia. she was complaining about everything. For example, straighten your back or relax your back, etc. She even asked her to spin like seven times just for one photo.

Something else was also making her feel dizzy. It was their closeness. She has never been this close to any male gender. Not even her father. How can he be so relaxed. He must have had so many girlfriends. That's why maybe.

''Okay. Perfect now this is going to be our second last post.'' No, please stop. She is already tired.

''so Amayra please put your both hands on Zaviyar's shoulders.'' She did as she said. He smells so good.

''Okay now move a bit closer.''

''andar hi na ghus jaun.''

she mumbled which Zaviyar clearly heard because his chest vibrated which means he chuckled. oh shit!

''Make sure your chests touch each others.'' Amayra scoffed. it can be chest to face but not chest to chest because he is too big. she stood on her tiptoes and moved closer meanwhile Zaviyar bent a bit. Finally they were chest to chest

''perfect.'' she heard hadia. but it was distant cause suddenly she felt his warm breath fanning against her neck. her already pink cheeks were red now.

''you look beautiful.'' he whispered against her ear. she looked down and gave him a small nod. too nervous to say anything.

''ouch. you won't say anything?'' he acted as if he was hurt.

''kya?'' she gave him a questioned look.

''how do I look?'' Amayra tried to calm herself before whispering. ''you look beautiful too.'' he laughed out loud and it was captured in the camera. she was looking down shyly while he was laughing and looking at her. he admired her.

''ok so last pose, look at each other while your foreheads are touching.'' Amayra's head snapped to her. if looks could kill, hadia would be dead now. anyway, they did as she said. one last pose, amayra reminded herself.

''why did you laugh?'' she asked gathering all of her courage.

''you were supposed to say handsome but I don't care as long as you think I look good enough to stand beside you.'' amayra smiled and looked down. oh god! he flirts a lot. her husband is such a flirty man.

''I only flirt with you.'' he said. did she say it aloud? yes she did. argh, she wants to bury herself right there.

''perfect. you guys make a perfect couple. my favorite couple of the year.'' Amyara looked down and scoffed. she literally flirted with her husband through whole session.

when they were sitting at the stage someone's hand was constantly touching her. at first she shrugged it off thinking that they are just guests but no. it was her husband who couldn't keep his hands to himself.

And the diwan was too small. zaviyar was literally plastered against her. her whole body was tingling due to his touch. when the food was served she felt bad. No one was asking her. Zaviyar got up and went to get his food but she couldn't because her dress was heavy and it was sprawled everywhere around her, showing it's design.

she just kept giving longing eyes to everyone. how selfish of them. they are at her wedding and no one is even asking her. she didn't take in to her heat, after all, wedding food is the best. she wouldn't care too if she was a guest.

Few minutes later, Zaviyar came with food. It looks yummy. Next time she attends a wedding, she will make sure to serve the bride first. she saw how Zaviyar was setting everything on the table and Mishal was coming with more.

''what do you want to eat first?'' Zaviyar's voice snapped her out of her world.

''huh'' she gave him a pluzzled look.

''what do you want to eat?'' he was asking her first. omg

''um biryani.'' he nodded and prepared the plate for her. she was about to lift her hands to eat when she realised how many things were there on her hands. Zaviyar noticed and took rice in the spoon and took it near her mouth.

Amayra looked at him with wide eyes. Zaviyar sighed and said. ''no one cares Amayra. Look no one is even looking at us.'' she glanced around and yes no one was paying attention to them. she looked at him and ate from the spoon. and then Zaviyar fed himself a spoon of rice. they continued the cycle until the plate was finished. not knowing Mishal took their picture meanwhile someone was cursing Amayra.

After few hours, they were finally done with the function. Amayra's siblings couldn't attend the wedding and Nadia went home because she was not feeling good. it was only her father from her family to see her off.

At their house, she was sent to his room directly and he was obliged to sit in the living room because Fozia had to give her a talk.

it was fozia's idea because Amayra didn't have a mother and her relationship with Nadia wasn't strong. so Fozia thought that she should talk to her to mentally prepare her.

While he was sitting in the living room with his father, zahid patted his shoulder and said ''meri beti ki ankhon mein eik bhi ansoo aya to bacho ge nhi'' zaviyar smiled.
(if you bring tears ttoo my daughters eyes, you won't survive).

''don't worry baba. the only tears that come to her eyes will be of happiness.'' zahid looked at him proudly. they both chatted for a while when they saw Mishal coming downstairs while jumping like a monkey.

''come and prepare your wallet.'' she said to Zaviyar and took his hands to take him upstairs.

''you will bankrupt me Mishal.'' she giggled.

after taking all cash he had with himself, she let him enter and went to her while humming and counting the money.

He entered and she was sitting there. while her dress was sprawled around her. he went near her and moved a bit of her dress and sat on the bed. opening the drawer he took the gift out and sighed. as he lifted her veil. she was looking everywhere but him.

''your gift.'' he opened the box, revealing a ring which held a beautiful emerald stone in it.

''it is beautiful.'' she whispered while admiring the ring.

''you don't have to wear it now.'' she nodded. Zaviyar closed the box and put it at the side table.

this was more awkward than he thought.

''I am not ready.'' he heard her whisper.


''I am not ready for it. I need time.'' Zaviyar was confused. and then realization hit him. ohh so she is talking about that.

''I know. do you want my help. your dress seems heavy.''

''yes. just with my hair. there are lots of pins.'' she got up and went to the mirror

''okay.'' he said as he took her dupatta off.

''about sleeping on the bed...'' before she could finish Zaviyar interrupted her. ''don't even expect from me to sleep on the couch and in no way in hell I am letting you sleep on the couch so we will sleep on the bed. I will put some pillows between us so you don't feel uncomfortable.'' she nodded. after praying they went to bed and slept.


how are you all?

i am so happy after a very long time. i ordered 10 books.

they will arrive this saturday. yuppppyyyyyy...

why do guys don't comment. say whatever you want but comment, pleaseee.

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