A Forced Smile

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Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006

They say that times were tough then
That money was very tight
But I remember my childhood
And I know that can't be right

Mom would cook our dinner
Dad came home at five
We were all sitting at the table
Waiting for him to arrive

We wouldn't eat from a microwave
Or a restaurant down the street
We all ate Mom's home cooking
And boy that can't be beat

We didn't eat in front of the TV
Or with a phone in our hand
We weren't plugged into a stereo
bopping to the latest band

We would all sit at the table
Everyone in their place
There were never any surprises
We recognized every face

Brothers to the left of me
Sisters to the right
That's the way we ate dinner
Every single night

We laughed we joked we talked we ate
We were a family don't you see
Though some may have been raised poor
You can see it wasn't me

We ate collards we ate biscuits
We ate fatback and blackeyed peas
We said yes sir we said no sir
We said thank you ma'am and please

So when you talk of family life
Or how it used to be
Though many had more money
None were as rich as me

The king of Agatha, father of Berenice welcomed them with open arms and a smile on his face.

He grinned brightly at the royal family as they took their final steps to reach the doorsteps of the grand palace.

"Oh, welcome! Welcome!" His voice exuded happiness, he looked cheerful and genuine.

The king of Agatha and Ariston of the drowned land hugged each other. It was a show of alliance with a land that had no resources left, but a half-god with the power to destroy the world with the snap of his fingers.

Before going to his daughter, he greeted his son in law, "Look at you, son! Still so youthful!" He laughed brilliantly, patting his shoulder with a bit too much force. "It brings me great joy to see you happy and healthy!"

"It's good to see you, King Alexo." Kallias felt far from happiness and health. He did not mention that.

"None of that!" He dismissed the greeting with a general smile. "Call me father."

Kallias ducked his head in acknowledgement.

Next, he turned to greet the prince, "Lord Perseus." He said politely. "It is an honor to get to meet you again. The gods must be blessing us!"

"We wish the circumstances were better, King Alexo."

"With the will of Olympus, good times will surely return." He kindly replied. Then, "Oh forgive me, what kind of host am I, not even inviting you inside? Come, you're all welcome!"

When Berenice took her first step in her home after her marriage, Alexo finally glanced at his daughter. Something like sadness and a glimpse of loss on his face, accompanied with something like happiness and pride was all it took for the princess to feel better about their return to the kingdom of Agatha.

The contrast between Agatha and Aristo was a vivid one even before. The beauty of the two kingdoms could not be compared because there was nothing to challenge their glory on, Agatha was green and yellow and warm in shades earth tones while Aristo was browner and bluer and grey. The palace of Agatha was built by the hard work of many workers who carved the smallest of details into the rock to give it the shape of a symbol of strength and wealth.

Aristo was a place with its everything originated from the blessing of a god. Their mighty structures, temples and palaces just appeared one day when the god decided to show his graciousness. Their walls were of a grey color with tints of blue and green, like even the building blocks of their land did not wish to completely part from the sea.

Beautiful in their own rights, yet one had come to an end.

The sea swallowed Aristo.

(Such is the fate of beautiful things. They catch the eyes of the onlooker and while many appreciate it and pass, some stay to burn down the roots that dare give birth to something they cannot have.

There is no limit not crossed to bring demise when the flames of envy burn the better half of judgement.)

Days passed as normally as they could. The survivors started to make new homes, but the pain from the loss of their motherland was still fresh.

The last of Aristo's riches were spent trying to provide for the remaining of their people and offering some gold to King Alexo in return of his kindness.

Perseus finally got time to recover from the endless days of living like a god. For the first time in a while, days were not blurring into weeks, and he found the opportunity to just be.

He spent time with his family. It was fair to say, the best feeling.

Seated together for the last meal of the day, the family exchanged stories.

They got to know more about Berenice's childhood. The princess' friends giggled when she blushed, completely ignoring her embarrassment.

They looked so free and happy that it sent a pang through Perseus' chest. It had been a while since he thought of his home --not Aristo, not Atlantis, but home with his mother --and suddenly he wasn't interested to be a member of the conversation they were having.

He ate quietly, listening to them chat and nodding here and there to show he was paying attention. His joy was suddenly evaporated. "Perseus, tell us something about yourself!" He felt every eye in the room direct towards him. Perseus stiffened, slowly lifting his head to look at everyone around him.

Their face shone with expectations, like he would unveil the greatest tale in the history. (He could even unfold the future.)

He felt Kallias place a reassuring hand on his thigh under the table. "We first met each other in the forest. I found him practicing his powers. He was so surprised that someone had found him that he lost control over his powers," Kallias glanced at him, "It was a fairly good first impression. He found me so handsome that he forgot what he was doing."

That smug husband of his, he shot him an amused look.

Everyone at the table gave a laugh. Surprisingly, the story of how they met was enough to steer their attention away from Perseus.

Fairly good first impression. Perseus shook his head.

"What?" Kallias mouthed, though a smile was already on his face that told him he knew exactly what. Perseus continued staring fondly. "Thank you." He mouthed back, not even trying to hide a smile.

Berenice looked between them and rolled her eyes. Her partners were disgustingly in love, but what's new.


Percy: 😍
Kallias: 😍
Berenice: They're so disgusting (affectionate)

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