Hero Worship

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Sappho's Hymn to Aphrodite

Iridescent-throned Aphrodite, deathless
Child of Zeus, wile-weaver, I now implore you, 

Don't--I beg you, Lady--with pains and torments 

Crush down my spirit,
But before if ever you've heard my pleadings

Then return, as once when you left your father's
Golden house; you yoked to your shining car your
Wing-whirring sparrows;

Skimming down the paths of the sky's bright ether
On they brought you over the earth's black bosom,
Swiftly--then you stood with a sudden brilliance,
Goddess, before me;

Deathless face alight with your smile, you asked me
What I suffered, who was my cause of anguish,
What would ease the pain of my frantic mind, and
Why had I called you

To my side: "And whom should Persuasion summon
Here, to soothe the sting of your passion this time?
Who is now abusing you, Sappho? Who is
Treating you cruelly?

Now she runs away, but she'll soon pursue you;
Gifts she now rejects--soon enough she'll give them;
Now she doesn't love you, but soon her heart will
Burn, though unwilling."

Come to me once more, and abate my torment;
Take the bitter care from my mind, and give me
All I long for; Lady, in all my battles
Fight as my comrade.

Andras did not see Perseus the following month. When his worries grew, he knocked his door only to find that he had not returned to his home as well.

His search was abandoned but worry did not leave his mind.

Rumors were travelling of the incident at the temple. No one knew what had happened exactly, but some say that the King had secured an alliance with Olympus. It was unbelievable, yet a hopeful prospect. If it was the truth, they would never starve, they would never be deprived of rain and sunlight, their crops will grow, and wealth will be accumulated; never again they would have to leave their once home to find a new refuge and spent years again to get familiar enough with the new place to finally call it home.

Everlasting peace was not a promising thing in their world; Andras could not just ignore the existence of war gods.

He prayed Perseus did not have anything relating him with the strange incident at the temple, that boy, almost all of the villagers knew by now, was a trouble magnet.

He --once again, like years ago --prayed for Perseus.


The forger did not know if he should be surprised or not when an invitation was extended to all five villages of Aristo, inviting them to the wedding of their prince Kallikrates and Perseus Poseidonson.

A few months ago, if someone told Percy that the whole Greek Pantheon and all the people of Aristo would be invited to attend his wedding, he might have fainted or promptly died.

He sat on the cold floor of his father's temple with Kallias, both were wearing simple white chiton and white crowns. Hera stood before them. Percy's father was smiling at his and Kallias, Queen Evania was smiling but tears gathered in her eyes, and she furiously wiped them away and gazed at her son like she couldn't believe he was getting married, that he had grown so much, King Ariston stood near her, his expression twisted somewhere between happiness and devastation if he earned the wrath of any deity.

Hera swiftly moved behind them and whispered something. "Loyalty..." Percy managed to make out. She tied the white crowns that rested on their head with a ribbon, making a knot three times.

Kallias was looking at him and his face was the picture of joy and happiness. Percy grinned in return and sniffed; he missed his mother.


When everyone was drowning themselves in alcohol, nectar and laughs, Aphrodite approached Perseus. 

"I see you are not wearing the chiton I gifted you." She stated in a sweet voice and eyed the blue and green and gold decorated chiton and chalym.

"I chose my father's gift." Percy tried to dodge. 

"An ordinary gift compared to mine," She tutted distastefully. Then leaned in to whisper in his ear, "My gift is my blessing. You wear it and you will see."

She was making him feel uncomfortable and Percy just wanted to get away. Over her shoulder, Percy saw Kallias shoot him a questioning look. He tried to convey his discomfort well, but the goddess stepped closer. Percy hadn't replied. He tried to put some distance between them, "What blessing? I did not ask for anything."

She smiled a maniac grin, "Oh, but Perseus, did you know? You do not need to ask for something you already deserve." Her eyes flashed dangerously, and Percy was very aware of his picking heartbeat.

He blinked.

Silver sprinkled on him, and he was enveloped in the scent of roses.

Aphrodite was gone.


"Are you okay?" Kallias asked.

Percy shook his head, "Yeah. Just-" He smiled, cutting himself off. "Leave it. Nothing we should worry about right now."

Kallias did not find that convincing apparently. "Do you want to get out of here?" 

Percy smiled at him, his husband. Kallias cared too much. "It's okay. Let's enjoy today."

Kallias scrutinized him with those beautiful dark brown eyes. He must have seen something because the next moment, he grabbed Percy's hand and dragged him away from the crowd.

"I know you don't like being the center of attention." He spoke. 

They stopped by the shore where the waves lapped and as if the sea had recognized Percy, the water splashed on his feet, welcoming him, calling him. Percy smiled, his glassy eyes taking in the beauty of the colors that painted the sky orange and pink and blue and grey.

"I thought you'd feel better here." Kallias said, his eyes tracing his every movement, every expression. "Gods, I love you Perseus."

Percy turned to look at him, a little surprised. It was the first time Kallias had told him that. They were both people who preferred to show affection in a nonverbal way, words were left unsaid between them many times and they always settled for a gentle caress of skin or a soft kiss to establish their thoughts in each other's heart.

"I love you too." Percy echoed. 

He took Kallias hand in his and ran into the sea. 

Kallias yelped in surprise and Percy laughed. "Trust me!" He shouted to his husband as a large wave crashed on them.

Kallias had his eyes shut and Percy could tell he was holding his breath. Then, he slowly opened them and stared in awe.

They were underwater, an air bubble was around Kallias helping him breath.

In his element, Perseus looked divine.

His hair floated in waves and his eyes glowed, so precious that any jewel would pale in comparison. His bronze skin shone as the sea embraced him and many fish came to surround them.

Percy, however, was noticing nothing. He let the current push him forward and he cupped Kallias cheek. Kallias sucked in a deep breath, his arm came to wrap around his waist, and he closed the distance between them.


Percy: *breaths*
Kallias: 😍


I hope you all like this chapter!

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