Fire night

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"You good down there?" -Ben said with teasingly smile on his face. 

"Shut up."  -I laughed covering my face- "Seriously, where are you taking me now?"

"We are close, don't worry."

I did worry about that. Part of my was grateful that he is helping me with my ankle, but the other part of me just wants to scream! I was actually in this position? Being carried around... In a forest... With almost no light. It felt surreal to me, and even though  we've been walking for a while, I was still shocked by it. At least there were no people around storming in.

At this point, Ben was panting and walking slower. We stopped walking for a minute in where I got down to check if he was okay.

"Everything alright?" -I asked.

"Yeah... I'm just a bit tired." -He sighed sitting on the floor- "Sorry."

"Hey, don't say sorry, it's not your fault."

I sat down with him on the floor with an smile on my face. He started to apologize once again for how he reacted in the mansion. I obviously told him that forgave him, but there was this quest that still wondered through my mind.

"Hey... Why did you decided to talk to me?"  I asked wondering why would, over so many people, him, choose to talk to me. A person that just moved to a new country and has nothing interesting going on. Not at least until I met him, that's for sure. But still, why?

"Huh? Well.. There isn't a very particular reason..." -He replied looking down, avoiding eye contact.

"There must be a reason, like, why me? I'm not an interesting person or any—"

"Hey! What do you mean by that? I've been so happy since I've met you, don't you dare to say anything bad about yourself."  Ben claimed looking up abruptly, his eyes glared, and he frowned upon me saying that. 

"A—Alright!" -I mumbled while backing up a few steps as he was too close from me. 

"...Can I... Still ask you questions?"  I asked him.

"Sure! But, lets get a little bit of light, shall we?"  He got up and started to look for sticks and rocks. He got back relatively quickly, or maybe he was picking everything nearly. I still couldn't tell due to the darkness in there.  He once again sat down and started to pile the sticks and stones. 

"Check this out."  He snapped his finger and a calid fire started abruptly emitting from the pile of stick and rocks. It's flames were oddly large, more than a conventional fire should emit from such a pile like that.

I gasped and I scuffed away myself from the fire. The way it suddenly just started roaring had scared me, it was more of a reflex than a reaction. Still, it was shocking how he got to do that.

"Sorry, I should had warned you..."  -Ben recalled looking back at me- "It's alright, just, ya' know, don't touch fire directly."

I slowly started to come forward once again to Ben's side. It took me a minute to get my eyes used to the sudden light. The good part is that, at least I could see better in there. I got more comfortable there, even though it was night, and a bit cold, I was happy to be there after so many things had happened. Not only the incidents in the mansion, but after everything that had happened since I came to this place. He's one of the only friends I had here, and he had made my time in here better that it would had gone if he wasn't here. How awesome is that?

"Soo... What would you like to ask? I'm your genie for today." -He joked.

"Well, if you don't mind, could I ask you things about the first time we met?" -I asked a bit embarrased for it.

"You mean the time you almost cut my neck? Uh, sure. Go ahead."  -Ben answered with a grin on his face-"But... let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

"You ask one question, I also ask one, deal?"

I had my doubts at first, but, what could he possibly ask that would be so terrible to not answer them? I had agreed on this "deal" and so I started asking him.

"Why you were snooping through my room the first time we met?" -I asked

"Well—your room is kinda cool, ya' know? Your posters, figurines, it's nice"

"Then wh—"

"Ah ah, it's my turn now." -He said- "So, why did you summon me in the first place?"

Oh well fuck. 

I couldn't tell him that the reason of me summoning him was because I was bored and talking to my friend. This was the question that I couldn't answered totally. It would be so awkward if he found out of the reason.

"Uh—do you actually want to know?"  -I responded scratching the back of my neck as I thought about any excuse at this point- "It's not a big deal—"

"Yes. Yes, I would like to know, thank you."  He said in a deadly serious face looking at me straight in the eyes. I couldn't think straight, not only the aura was uncomfortable but the fact that he wasn't going to stop looking at me until I answered scared me the most.

"W—Well, I wanted to know if  you were real! Obviously." -I lied.

"Heh, you are a really bad liar, did you know that?" -He smirked- "You blush when you lie."

"I—I'm not blushing!" -I yelled while covering my face with my hands.

"So you're lying?" -He recalled- "Gotcha!"

"Ugh... Fine, but, don't laugh!" -I scoffed.

"No promises"

Even though I tried to sugarcoat everything, it was an still cringy reason to summon anything at all. In no moment while telling the story I could look at him straight in the eyes. Mostly because reclined to make sure that he listens the story . I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was smiling—that idiot!

I finished finally telling the story, I sighed in relief, expecting any reaction from Ben's part. But he didn't react at all. He just stared at me for what it felt like an eternity. I was still expecting a reaction from him. None of us moved, he was still reclined towards me, and I was still avoiding eye contact.

"S—So?" -I muttered, still looking down.

He then just started laughing like crazy—crazy! He even layed down on the dirty floor, staining the back his green shirt with dirt. I  couldn't comprehend what was happening, it took me about 10 seconds to decide to ask what happened.

"Are you... Alright?" -I asked trembling.

"So you—" -He paused to laugh again- "You summoned me because you thought I was cute?"

"You promise that you wouldn't laugh!"

"I said no promises!"  -He got up of the floor and started removing the dirt from his back.

I was honestly embarrassed for that, but at least he didn't had taken it negatively. Or at least that's how I think he took it. 

"Cut it out, joker..." -I mumbled.

"Hah, sorry, my bad... That was the last thing I thought you would say. That I'm cute?"

"Oh, shut it..."  I said as I took a peak of him from the corner of my eye. His blonde hair, now with brow spots was stained with dirt. I reclined towards him and starting removing the dirt out of his hair.

"...And you are, Idiot."  I whispered as my cheeks felt red and my hands started trembling.

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