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He did what he promised. He came back the next day and brought something in a box with a red ribbon. I thought it was strange, but I didn't mentioned it.

After talking for a while he holds both of my hands and looks me straight in the eyes.
-"I have something for you!" -He said happily.

He handed me the box and I was visibly confused, but wanted to be cordial, since I was still a bit... distrustful of him being a ghost and all, I opened the box.

There was a Papyrus plushy inside.

I freaked out.

I yelled out of excitement to see it! I quickly hugged Ben tightly, and then I realized what I was doing. My face turned bright red and I quickly got away from him. I could see he was a bit shocked, but he quickly changed his shock to happiness, showing a big smile and a slight blush.

-"I see you liked it huh..? I know he's your favorite papyrus so, I bought it for you! I'm so happy you liked it!" -He cheered, then pull me back in a hug again.

I hugged him back, and it actually felt nice, it felt warm... My eyes started to tear up, and without noticing, I was crying in Ben's shoulder.

It felt so good to actually have someone to talk to in so long, someone who actually cared about me... Before I knew it, I was sleeping in my bed with my papyrus plushy and a note at my side

-"I hope you're feeling better now, <3!!"

That note made me kick the air and smile. I couldn't believe I was friends with him..? I still needed to process that... 

Now that I had a friend to who I could talk to, living here didn't sound bad at all. At least, not for now.

I jumped out of my bed to see it was night. I had slept again during the day, but since I didn't wanted to find that... Something, again down the trees, I decided to just stay in my room. Windows shut. 

I started to think and daydream about what would be like to have Ben as a friend, I could see that he was really friendly at a first glance—but also very caring. I couldn't still believe I was friends with him.

I took a glance to the note, and then one to my room. It was a MESS. A massive mess. How could I let someone see my room like this?! Specially the only person I've talked that was not family! I really needed to clean it up...

I started to organize everything in the room, anyhow, it's not like I had school tomorrow—I wasn't enrolled yet in anything. I had all the time in the world! Or, until my parents came home.

Maybe I was being extra, but I organized everything to be in a certain place. Even cleaned my closet!—It wasn't very full, but still, who cleans a closet for someone's visit?  

I was exhausted after cleaning so much, to much perfection at the time. My few band posters were well-attached to the walls, my bed was made, and I just wanted to lay on the floor. The day had been long, and to my surprise—I had found a black book under my desk. Not any book, but my old sketchbook. I  had lost it some days ago. Seeing that was under the desk this whole time made me re-think about cleaning more often...

Since I haven't drew anything during this days, I decided to get my pencil and make some sketches about Ben. Nothing really weird, just headshots and one full body. I really liked how they looked! I wish I could show them to him, but that would be really, REALLY embarrassing. I needed to hide this sketchbook like my life depended on it—and it kind of did. My social life depended on it, I would die of awkwardness if ANYONE at all saw my drawings. 

A new friend || Ben Drowned X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now