sogō shitara x reader

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"Yes, tonight." Shitara leaned on the wall, guitar between his hands as he silently prayed you'd agree to his offer.

You glanced upon the tall man, sighing. "Alright, I'll go."

"Great!" Like a happy puppy, he grinned widely.

"What's up with tonight anyway? No offense, but isn't your gig the same as always? Rock... or whatever type of music genre it's called." Your words weren't as careful as your movements in stacking the products rightfully to their designated aisle. You don't care though, Shitara was used to your straightforwardness anyway, being childhood friends and all.

Walking away from where he was standing, you went to fix the make-up section, cursing silently when you saw the unorganized placements of the lipsticks and eyeliners. Why do some people tend to pick up something, and when they realize they don't really need it, they'll just place it somewhere instead of putting it back to where it is actually positioned in the first place? Those types of people make you irritated, and that irritation is now evident while Shitara carefully walked beside you.

"I'm thinking of performing something alone."

Your motion completely stopped for a moment. For as long as you know, they're a band, and none of them performed alone, well, as far as you know. But you can't dismiss the fact that you were suddenly excited and proud at the same time. A smile appeared on your face.

"Doing a solo, huh?" You teasingly smirk, crossing your arms above your chest. "I see shy ol' little Shitara's not so little anymore." Ruffling his already messy hair, you smiled, scrunching your nose.

"Come on, looking at it now, you're the one having trouble reaching for "little" Shitara's head." He scoffed, the corner of his mouth tugging upwards to form a smirk.

"Whatever," You chuckled. "I'm proud of you though. I'll definitely come if it means seeing you perform in front of a large crowd. I just hope you'd be able to see me." Jokingly, you sighed.

"I'll always see you."

You thought it was sweet of him to say that, he thought you'd be able to get the hint. Shitara bid his goodbye, claiming that he needs to rehearse with the band and that he'll be telling his bandmates about his plan of performing alone.

For the whole day, you couldn't help but wonder what song he'll be singing. Shitara's gifted when it comes to music; good at guitar and he has such a nice voice. He didn't tell you what song, and you anticipated for it until your work shift was finally done, meaning it was time to go home and fix yourself before going to their usual performing area.

You wore simple but decent clothes before grabbing your tote bag and placing your necessities inside. Letting your hair hang loose, you smiled at yourself in the mirror.

With each step you take away from your apartment and near their performing area, your heart started beating like crazy. You're quite nervous around new people, however, Shitara's bandmates never fail to make you feel welcome and a part of their group. You loved their presence, especially Uta since she treats you like her own sister.

"Ah, Y/N, glad to see you again."

"Hello, Kyuma, it's been quite a while. How are you?"

"Same old, same old. You?" He smiled, gesturing for you to enter their backstage.

"Well, work is boring and tiring, but they pay me well, so I guess I'm fine."

"As long as you're not struggling, then I guess all of us will be able to sleep peacefully." Man sure knows how to be a sweetheart. "Especially Shitara, that man's your soulmate, your struggle is his." Kyuma laughed wholeheartedly.

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