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River's POV

I wake to the sound of rain pattering on my window. My eyes crack open, staring at the beautiful stream of rain that races down the glass.

Will is still on the phone, fast asleep with his head buried in his pillow. I rub my eyes and smile at the sight that immediately brings me comfort and makes me feel that everything will be okay.

We often call each other and fall asleep on the phone, mostly because it helps us to sleep easier and makes us feel safer. Now I can't imagine not having Will on the phone with me. When he's not there, I toss and turn in my bed and struggle to find comfort that will help to ease my eyes and allow me to rest.

Life just seems easier now that Will is a part of it.

There's a sound on his side of the phone, and then suddenly a pillow collides with Will's head, instantly waking him up.

"What the fuck!" Will groans out, glaring the best he can with his swollen, tired eyes.

"Time for school, lazy bugger. Get up," Ryan's voice calls out. He makes himself seen in the camera and gives me a small wave, showing off a cheeky grin. He's only wearing sweatpants and has a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth.

"Morning, River."

I clear my throat and smile awkwardly. "Morning."

"Damn, my muscles look great this morning," he says to himself, staring in the camera and tensing them.

"Get the fuck out," Will tells him.

Ryan doesn't seem to be offended by Will's choice of words. Instead, he bounces on the bed and wraps the covers over Will's head before he farts.

I accidentally grimace my face as I watch them both play fight.

"Ryan, you're grim." Will coughs and gags under the sheets, trying to kick Ryan off him. "I hate you."

"Love you, too," he teases further before he finally gets up and claps his hands together, seemingly proud of his work. "Get up, or you're missing your ride."

Will extends his middle finger and sits up in bed, running his hand through his messy curls that somehow look better in the morning.

Once Ryan leaves the room and closes the door behind him, Will turns to me and instantly smiles. "Got rid of one annoying little brother, now I've managed to get a new one."

I giggle and lift myself up onto my forearm. "You definitely act like brothers," I agree.

Will smiles. "Gotta love him for it. Did you sleep well?"

I nod my head. "Did you?"

"I did." He yawns, stretching out his arms. "See you at school?"

"Okay." I smile, waiting like I usually do.

"You've gotta end it," he tells me, laughing because he knows the drill.

"You end it," I say.

He drops his head into his hands, allowing his shoulders to bounce as he laughs out of annoyance.

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