31. The Revelation

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Seeing the ominous car, waiting for him in front of the faculty, Xiao Yang went inside the building and ran towards the other exit. There was no way he would be forced into his father's office again for the usual boring topic.


Halting his steps, Xiao Yang fished out his phone to check the message, thinking it was his husband.

But no. It was from his father.

[I saw you already. I have a present for you.]

Knowing it couldn't be something good, Xiao Yang froze on his spot, his eyes glued to the screen as if he could make it disappear by excessive staring.

[Not curious?]

Huffing, Xiao Yang typed "no" and wanted to stuff his phone into his pocket back, but the new notification stopped him. Seeing a photo attachment, curiosity got the better of him and he clicked on it.

He wished he didn't.

It was a certificate of ownership. With his mother's name. On Zheng Hao's laundry store.

Xiao Yang felt the ground slip underneath his feet. Now, everything made perfect sense. He always wondered why Zheng Hao married him although he hated him, and now he got his answer. No wonder why his beloved ge accepted to marry him so suddenly or why he hated his mother so much... He was threatened by his mother!

Tears formed in his eyes and fell onto the screen, blurring the cursed image. He didn't know what to think or feel. He was sure Zheng Hao loved him, but... what if... what if...

There was only one way to know...



"What's going on, A'Yang?" Mrs. Sun asked with shock as her son barged into her office.

"Did you threaten Zheng ge to marry me?!" Xiao Yang blurted out directly.

"How... you..."

"Just answer, mother!" the agitated man shouted.

Mrs. Sun slumped on her chair. As she expected, her husband didn't take her threat seriously and ruined her son's happiness cruelly. Looking at her son with an apologetic gaze, she said "yes, I threatened him, but I did it for you."

Although he already had the evidence, her words broke Xiao Yang's heart. All his energy left his body and he threw himself on the leather sofa with a devastated look.

"I know you feel bad, but it was in the past, now he-"

"Give it back," Xiao Yang didn't let her finish her statement.

"What?" she asked mildly as she sat next to him hesitantly. She had never seen her son that frustrated and sad, even when his father beat him, so she didn't know how to act.

"The laundry, give it back to him."

"Okay, I will," she agreed immediately after sighing in relief and went back to her desk to call the lawyer.

Two hours later, the certificate of ownership of the laundry was under the name of Zheng Hao and it was waiting for the mentioned man on the dining table with Xiao Yang's wedding ring next to it.



"Mrs. Sun?"

"Go home now! A'Yang learned about the laundry store!" Mrs. Sun exclaimed. She wanted to call him earlier, but Xiao Yang didn't leave her alone, even for a second.

"What?!" Zheng Hao exclaimed in horror and getting his car keys, he rushed home to explain the situation before Xiao Yang interpreted it on his own.

However, his plan came to naught as the younger man wasn't at home. With trembling hands, he got the ring from the table and then checked the document with teary eyes.

Xiao Yang left him...

Panic seized his existence and he felt his soul leaving his body. He didn't even notice when he slumped on the floor, his hand holding the ring pressed against his heart.

Yang Yang left me...

Indeed, after everything he had done, he deserved to be left, but not like that. He was actually innocent in that matter, yet Xiao Yang...

The ringing of his phone brought Zheng Hao's miserable soul back to his body. Thinking it was Xiao Yang, his energy replenished, but it lasted short as it was Mrs. Sun.

"He left me... I couldn't catch him on time," he said with a trembling voice.

"Oh," Mrs. Sun suppressed a sob, "and now? What will you do?"

"What will I do?" Zheng Hao repeated as his brain was muddled, then it occurred to him. He jumped on his feet with hope, "I will get him back! Thank you!" he almost shouted and ended the call to call Xiao Yang.

Impatiently, he walked back and forth, but there was no reply. Not being discouraged by it, he called Ji Bo, but he also had no idea where Xiao Yang was.

"Where are you, Yang Yang? Why did you leave me like this..." he talked to the ghost of his lover and then he remembered something.

Could it be...

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