28. An Eventful Night

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Xiao Yang stood up from his chair with fire in his eyes, "I don't know why you called us here, father, but I think we should-"

"SIT DOWN!" Mr. Sun shouted, but this time Xiao Yang didn't listen to him.

"Let's go, ge," he said to his husband and walked around the table to leave the area, but the angry father suddenly rose to his feet and grabbed his arm forcefully.

"Now you dare to oppose me?" Mr. Sun said in between his gritted teeth, making his son yelp with pain.

However, that pain didn' last long because Zheng Hao grabbed Mr. Sun's wrist with a huge force and pried it off from Xiao Yang before pulling him behind himself.

"I know you are his father, but I can't let you treat him like this," Zheng Hao said authoritatively, his cold gaze boring holes in the old man's eyes.

Although he was slightly intimidated, Mr. Sun stood his ground, "so you love him for real?" he huffed, "you don't expect me to believe it, right? How much do they pay you to act like this?"

"FATHER!" Xiao Yang exclaimed with anger, trying to move forward, but his husband kept him behind his protective body.

"A lot."

Xiao Yang stopped fidgeting and Mrs. Sun slumped on her chair again with shock. Would he confess about their deal?

"What?" Mr. Sun asked with a smirk.

"They pay me a lot, so I will protect my husband with my life, happy?" Zheng Hao declared and pulled his dazed husband towards the door.

Behind them, Mr. Sun boiled with anger and without thinking much, he just grabbed the wine bottle from the table and threw it to the couple. Mrs. Sun let out a scream and hearing it, Zheng Hao instinctively covered Xiao Yang's body with his. A second later, the bottle landed on Zheng Hao's upper back, slightly to his nape, and wine and a few drops of blood mixed with each other on the white pullover.

"GE!" Xiao Yang's scream broke the silence and Mrs. Sun rushed to the couple with a handkerchief.

"I am fine," Zheng Hao uttered while Mrs. Sun pressed on the small cut on his nape, but Xiao Yang didn't believe him.

"We should go to the hospital, ge, it still bleeds," the younger man said with tears in his hazel eyes.

"It's nothing serious, let's just go home," the older man reassured his husband, squeezing his hands to pass his cold body some warmth. Then he turned his head to look at Mrs. Sun, ignoring the pain of the cut, said, "let's go together."

"Together?" she asked with confusion.

"Yes, there is no way we can leave you here alone with him after what happened," Zheng Hao declared and gently pushed the mother and son to the exit.

Seeing the leaving figures, Mr. Sun was back to his senses, "Ji'er! Where are you going?!" he shouted with shock.

"I am going with my son, I don't want to stay here with you, malefactor!" she snapped at her husband and took the boys out before a second incident.

Ten minutes later, the driver was driving them to Zheng Hao's house after a maid brought Mrs. Sun's bag and luggage.

"There is no way your maid prepared your luggage in ten minutes," Zheng Hao announced suddenly after adjusting Xiao Yang's head on his shoulder.

Mrs. Sun leaned forward to check her son and seeing he was indeed sleeping, she said "I always have two pieces of luggage ready; one is for short goings and the other is for... longer goings."

"Which one did you take now?"

"The small one."

"Why not the big one?" Zheng Hao asked, implicitly asking why she was reluctant to leave that bastard of a husband.

Mrs. Sun understood the underlying question and smiled softly, "everything should happen at the right time."

Zheng Hao didn't understand what she meant, so he just nodded. After that, the car was engulfed in silence for a good while, but then the awake man felt the need to ask another question.

"I deserve to know the entire story now, don't you think so?"

Without looking at him, Mrs. Sun nodded with a sigh. Indeed, Zheng Hao witnessed their deepest secret and he somehow managed to deal with the situation effectively; therefore, there was no use of hiding anything from him anymore. Especially, after what he did for her son.

"Tomorrow," she said after a short consideration, "I will tell you everything from the beginning when A'Yang goes to the university."

"Deal," Zheng Hao whispered and shortly after, they arrived at his house. Not wanting to wake his exhausted husband, he just gave the keys to Mrs. Sun and carried the sleeping young man to his bed.

"Do you sleep..."

"Together, yes," Zheng Hao replied, "otherwise you would have to sleep on the couch."


After helping Mrs. Sun with necessities and she helping him dress the small wound, Zheng Hao went back to their room and changed Xiao Yang into his pyjamas before doing the same for himself. Then he pulled the sleeping figure into his embrace and finally let sleep claim him.

It was good for him to sleep because a tornado was coming towards their way and sleep was about to be luxury...

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