15. I Don't Want To See You!

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"Do you really wonder about it at such a moment?" Xiao Yang chuckled bitterly, his hands around his waist.

"Yes!" Zheng Hao shot back, "I thought it was only pictures, but actually you are indeed a stalker!"

"I was around you all the time! Of course the rumours about your short-lived date with Yang Zi came to my ear!" Xiao Yang shouted, then his shoulders stooped all of a sudden as if he lost his vitality, "why do you care about such a trivial thing when we have a bigger problem? Right now, the one who should be angry is me."


"Yes!" Xiao Yang got riled up again, "she was flirting with you blatantly, yet you said it was complicated. We are legally married, what is there to be complicated?! As if it wasn't enough, then you dared to yell at me in front of her!"

Zheng Hao felt slightly bad for his action, but at that moment, he had no desire to be the one to give in. Fixing his gaze into Xiao Yang's, he said "because you were being rude as well as childish."

Xiao Yang pointed at himself with widened eyes, "me? Being rude and childish? How about her? She was flirting with a married man!"

Zheng Hao heaved a sigh, "she wasn't flirting with me, she just talks like that."

Burst into laughter, Xiao Yang clapped his hands, "wonderful! You are always on the other side, ge! It is me who does wrong all the time! Just divorce me already, will you?"

"Xiao Yang, look-" Zheng Hao wanted to pacify him, but it was too late. Xiao Yang already ran towards his car, leaving him alone on the street.



Zheng Hao waited for Xiao Yang in the living room all night long, but the latter didn't come. After their heated argument, he expected that the younger one wouldn't want to see him, but he still hoped for his return. As a characteristic, Zheng Hao was inclined to screw things up, then be regretful about it, and that night was one of those examples. One side of him wanted to apologise to Xiao Yang, but the other side wanted to tell him about his mother's threat. Who knew maybe he could get his mother to leave him alone.

Then that baleful marriage would end...

Wasn't it a happy thought? Then why did Zheng Hao still feel miserable? Indeed, it wasn't too bad to have Xiao Yang around, a lovely voice in that now-cold house, but was it the only reason? It must have been the only reason as his pride wouldn't allow him to love his forced husband.

It was all f*ck up!

It was exactly what Xiao Yang thought as well in Ji Bo's house. He was still boiling with anger, but sadness also was raising its head from underneath. Maybe, Zheng Hao was right when he asked him to cancel the marriage. He thought if they lived together, Zheng Hao would fall in love with him, but no. Even after their heart-felt hug and apology, his husband was back to his cold personality in front of his ex-girlfriend. Maybe, he still couldn't forget about her, maybe he still loved her...

Maybe it was time to let go...



"I know you are an angel, but do you really want to do that?" Ji Bo asked as they got ready to leave the classroom. Even Juliet didn't love Romeo as much as Xiao Yang loved Zheng Hao. Lucky bastard.

Xiao Yang nodded, tiredly, "it is not for ge, the store means a lot to me. Also, it was me who called auntie, so I have to be there."

"Do you want me to come? I can give a good beating to your so-called husband for free!"

Xiao Yang chuckled, "no need, but thank you for the kind offer," he said and waving his hand, he went to the parking lot to get his car.

Twenty five minutes later, he was in front of the dry cleaning store. He schooled his expression and decided to ignore Zheng Hao's existence as much as possible, but seeing the certain woman inside the store, his blood boiled again.

"I guess you are not full yet, Yang Zi," he commented as soon as he opened the door, scaring the shit out of them.

"Xiao Yang? What are you doing here?" Zheng Hao asked with astonishment as he didn't expect him to come there after what happened.

"Did I interrupt?" Xiao Yang shifted his cold gaze between them, "the team will be here any moment for the manhole."

Zheng Hao was aghast as well as ashamed. After accusing him for being childish, Xiao Yang still showed up to help him. Was he an angel or what?

"We were actu-" Yang Zi wanted to make her presence acknowledged, but Zheng Hao shushed her with a glance. She was still the same after two years abroad; an attention-seeker.

Although Xiao Yang was still angry, his husband's reaction made him happy. They might get a divorce, but he didn't want her to fill his spot.

"Mr. Sun?"

"Ah-um, it is me," Xiao Yang ripped his eyes off her and looked at the man standing in front of the open door, "Mr. Yang?"

"Yes," the short man nodded, "I am here to check the drainage, do you want to stay in or out?"

"Let's go out," Zheng Hao led the other two out and joined them after closing the door and putting a few old towels in front of it in case of a water burst.

"You two wait, I will buy some coffee for all of us," Zheng Hao said as the three men set to work.

As soon as Zheng Hao disappeared, Yang Zi approached Xiao Yang, who took a few steps back.

"Are you afraid that I will bite you?" Yang Zi mocked him, "don't worry, I only have eyes for Zheng Hao."

"So you want to be a mistress?" Xiao Yang mocked her back, "I won't divorce him for a lowly-woman like you."

"You!" Yang Zi exclaimed and kicked his leg hard as he was out of her range for a slap, "I don't know how you managed, but he doesn't love you!"

"So? It doesn't change the fact that you want to be a mistress," Xiao Yang said with a hard expression, trying not to show pain caused by the strong kick.

"But he loves me!" she whimpered, "I let him go, but I am here now and I will get him back, he is mine!"

"He is not a commodity you know, how dare you speak like this?!"

"YOU ARE WHO TO ORDER ME?!" Yang Zi closed the distance and raised her hand to slap Xiao Yang while the latter was motionless as he couldn't hold a woman's hand.

Luckily, Zheng Hao didn't have such discomfort. He easily caught her hand midair before it could contact Xiao Yang's face.

"I have been patient with you, but you crossed the line," Zheng Hao said coldly, pushing her back.

Rubbing her hand, she cried out "Zheng Zheng, do you know what this little shit to-"

Zheng Hao raised a warning finger, shushing her, "you can't talk to my husband like this, Yang Zi. Now please go, I don't want to see you."

Yang Zi opened her mouth to object, but Zheng Hao was already dragging Xiao Yang away from her.

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