14. The Ex... As Usual

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"Sorry?" Xiao Yang broke the hug to look his husband in the eye, "for what?"

"For blaming you for my father's death," Zheng Hao replied with an apologetic expression. He still had some suspicions about the involvement of Xiao Yang's mother, but now he was sure of his innocence.

"Finally!" Xiao Yang hugged his husband again with moist eyes. He dreamed about this moment for so long because he thought Zheng Yao wouldn't resist his love if he believed in his innocence.

"Okay, let me go before I change my mind," Zheng Hao saved himself from the koala and returned back to his seat, "now eat, then I will give you a relaxant."

Like a puppy, Xiao Yang nodded and they finished their breakfast. After giving the promised pill to the younger man, the older man wanted to leave for work, but Xiao Yang insisted on tagging along.

Already being indebted to him, Zheng Hao objected fervently and forcefully sent him to his bed. Still, after sleeping for two hours, Xiao Yang woke up as good as new, and decided to go to the store. If his husband asked, he could use his car as an excuse. Hehe.

With a happy smile, he got dressed in a basic white sweatshirt and back jeans and went to the store by taxi. Before going in, he also bought two cups of coffee.

"Welcome," Zheng Hao greeted the newcomer when the little bell above the door chimed, but seeing it was Xiao Yang, his smile replaced by a frown, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to get my car and brought you coffee as well," Xiao Yang smiled sweetly and put one cup to the marble counter.

Zheng Hao of course didn't believe him, but didn't drag the topic. He rather took a sip from the nice drink and went back to bring Xiao Yang's clothes which he washed and ironed. When he came back, he saw Xiao Yang was talking with someone on the phone.

"Okay, thank you, auntie," Xiao Yang chirped and hung up.

Although Zheng Hao would never confess, he really wondered with whom he talked that cutely. Still, as he wasn't a nosy type, he refrained himself from asking. He put the clothes on the counter silently.

"Ge," Xiao Yang smiled proudly, "I talked with aunty, she said she will send somebody tomorrow to check the manhole under the stairs."

Zheng Hao didn't know what to say, Xiao Yang was making it too hard to hate him. Itching his nape, he said "thank you, Xiao Yang, I really appreciate your help."

"No problem, ge!"

"Now, go home. Here, your clothes from yesterday," he pushed the folded clothes forward.

"No way!" Xiao Yang whimpered, "I will help you to clean around," he announced and ran inside before Zheng Hao could object.

Together, they cleaned the soaked clothes from the downpour again and hanged them back. While Zheng Hao was dealing with some customers, Xiao Yang wiped the floor one more time and everything was perfect again.

Locking the door, Zheng Hao turned to Xiao Yang, who was holding his clean clothes on his chest with a tired expression.

"Let's eat out today, my treat," he said, dying with the need to do something nice for the younger's great help.

Xiao Yang got energised in a blink of an eye. Nodding enthusiastically, he said "cool!"

As they didn't want to take two cars to the restaurant then to home, they chose a closeby restaurant. For Xiao Yang, it didn't matter much, he could even eat a stone on the street as long as Zheng Hao was with him.

The duo placed their orders and chit-chatted until the food came. While they were enjoying their well-deserved food, a young woman with a tiny blue dress approached their table.

"Zheng Hao?"

"Yang Zi?!" Zheng Hao greeted the other with a smile, "when did you return?"

"Last week, we moved back," she answered, pushing her fake ginger hair off her shoulder.

"That's nice," Zheng Hao chose a political answer while Xiao Yang feigned a cough to attract attention.

Yang Zi looked at him with disinterest, "oh, you are with a junior."

"I am his husband," Xiao Yang announced boldly as he raised his hand for her to see his wedding ring.

"What?!" She looked at Zheng Hao for an explanation.

"Well, that's a bit complicated," Zheng Hao mumbled, not knowing what to say.

"Are you married or not?" she insisted, making Zheng Hao frown.

"Answer her, darling," Xiao Yang joined the conversation, his gaze penetrating through his husband's soul.

Zheng Hao really didn't like their attitude and the whole situation was quite tasteless. He heaved a sigh and showed his ring, "yes, we are married, so what?"

Yang Zi's small face contorted by anger for a second, but she composed herself rather quickly, "congrats," she said fakely, reaching her hand for Xiao Yang.

As Yang Zi was the mixture of two things he hated the most (woman plus his husband's ex-girlfriend), he folded his arms, leaving her hand midair.

"Childish," Yang Zi snorted, and getting angry, Xiao Yang slammed his hands on the table, scaring the other guests.

"We are trying to have a peaceful dinner, can you just leave us alone?!"

"Xiao Yang!" Zheng Hao exclaimed horror with wide open eyes, making Yang Zi smile with satisfaction.

Human heart is an interesting organ; although it tends to break at every opportunity, every break hurts equally strong. For example, look at Xiao Yang. Even though Zheng Hao broke his heart many times since their marriage, he couldn't get used to the pain. Like usual, he felt a strong tug in his heart and his stomach twisted painfully.

"You know what," he said, trying to look nonchalant, and grabbed his plate before standing up, "you seem like to get what other people have, so, I will give this plate for you to eat," he said and forced the plate to her hand.


"Let's go, darling," Xiao Yang cut her off and glared at Zheng Hao. If he remained seated, then Xiao Yang would divorce him that very night.

As if getting his silent threat, Zheng Hao rose to his feet, "let's talk later," he said and followed Xiao Yang pell-mell.

"What was that?!" Zheng Hao asked when they were far from the restaurant.

"I was about to ask you the same!" Xiao Yang snorted, "how dare you take sides with your ex-girlfriend and humiliate me?!"

Zheng Hao looked at him in confusion, "how do you know about that?!"

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