21 ⏤ caught in a lie.

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JUNGKOOK is the definition of frustration and envy. He's visibly upset no matter how he tries to conceal it with his smile, for it didn't quite reach his eyes like it used to. The following days are torture, him seeing Jennie find out that the man responsible for her misery and joy is his brother.

The man is an autumn breeze, not too humid or cold on the skin. He's a balance of rain and sunshine. Sometimes he's both, creating a beautiful rainbow in the sky. A view someone would take a peek at, not to mind the gentle raindrops on their skin when the warm light bathes them. The rainbow manages to captivate its viewers, like how Yoongi is.

He's jealous of how Yoongi is disaster and remedy. He's gotten the qualities Jungkook wished he had when he was just chaos. Jungkook believed he was the storm, destroying everything in its way.

"Do you think anyone will notice?"

His reverie ends when Jennie walks in the direction his vision landed. He blinks twice, eyes up to look at the woman of his dreams. Her dark brown eyes gazed directly at his, a little smile on her lips despite the obvious concern in her expression. It took a few seconds for him to understand and process what she said. Jennie is wearing a formal outfit, a beige silk blouse beneath the dark blazer. She could rock a fancier attire but having her stomach protruding isn't an eye candy to the panelists for her defense.

"I didn't." Jungkook returns her smile. "I'm sure they won't say anything about it. It's not appropriate for personal topics when it's business."

Jennie isn't so sure yet that she chooses to believe. Her smile turns to a hopeful grin. This is the last task left before she can throw her cap at graduation. Jungkook stands up from his bed, towering over Jennie's frame immediately. He caresses her round shoulders before his fingers roam to meet her chin. He gently lifts her face up. "You can do this."

Her grin turns to a soft and sweet smile. "We can do this."

"Together," Jungkook replies.


Jungkook believed in it, holding on to that word as if his life depended on them. Honestly, it did. His life revolves around Jennie and their baby. Having Yoongi around means a threat. He doesn't want to see his brother as a villain because he has always been good to him and Jisoo, accepting them to his family when their father wouldn't. And that was the case. Yoongi is too great, responsible, and too loving. Anyone would love him.

He's scared.

Jungkook is terrified that if he lets go of this hug, Jennie will go away too. Eventually, he has to. They part ways after the embrace, her grinning and him smiling through the heartache.

"Let's go, Koo." Jennie takes her bag and folder with much motivation to ace the defense. She is Jennie Kim, the ace who perfected all her exam subjects back in her third year.

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