12 ⏤ euphoria.

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EACH morning was never exciting for Jungkook. It means that he'll have to face another day to survive, study, work, and get exhausted. He wants to sleep longer and not stand up, having the freedom to choose his schedule or have the money to spend. He misses his cards, his hotel suite, and his wealth. It was an easy rich life, but he's unhappy.

"Good morning." Jungkook greets himself in his bathroom mirror after brushing his teeth and bathing. A smile is visible on his face, though he is disturbed by his long hair. He always ties it up in a bun or half. Now, he can't find a proper style to make himself look presentable with Jennie's pretty and cute aura.

"Psh." Jungkook gives up, still smiling after just letting his hair down and sweeping to one side. If it weren't for his date with Jennie, he'd let it be⏤it's not a date. We're just going grocery shopping. Jungkook reminded himself of the mistake. Still, he can't stop himself from feeling ecstatic. He's up early because Jennie invited him to go shopping.

Jungkook's smile turned brighter when he went out of his room, just in front of Jennie's door. He clears his throat, about to knock on her door when she suddenly opens it. They both startle themselves, chuckling at their sudden expressions.

"Morning, Jungkook." Jennie smiles. She's still wearing sweaters like him. In his mind, they lack fashion sense upon going poor. Nonetheless, they have their reasons for it. What's important is to spend their morning together.

Jungkook walks down first, asking what Jennie would like to eat. He looks like being in a hypnotic trance nowadays. "We don't have any bread. We're going to buy them today." Jennie laughs at Jungkook's lightheadedness.

The man scratches his nape, shy and embarrassed. "Right. Let's go?" Jungkook still went out first, sighing and talking to himself to keep it together.

You're around Jennie, and you're dumb again. Jungkook grits his teeth, not knowing why he would feel flustered with a presence of a woman when he had been the best in seducing them. I guess that's Jennie's effect. He shakes his thoughts away, following Jennie to walk.

They take a taxi and talk about the list and the essentials they need. Jennie looks at the list Jungkook made last night while they stroll inside the supermarket. He pushes the cart, peeking at the list and scanning the racks and shelves of the items to buy.

"Is this all we need?" Jennie asks in disbelief, mouth agape. Jungkook answers by saying that he's saving and managing money for other expenses.

"Is there something else you want to buy?" Jungkook asks.

Jennie smirks at him, crumpling the list before putting it in her purse. "Dump it. We'll get what we want." She giggles, walking ahead and leaving Jungkook confused.

Jennie saved up much from her salaries to finally give Jungkook something in return. She's confident in buying the stuff they want without feeling cut off by the costs. She grabs the products and food she's interested in, putting them on the cart while his eyes are wide by watching Jennie.

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