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THE windy and peaceful noon makes Jennie happy as she does her laundry. The washing machine is located at the back of the house, under the shade of the roof. It's a pleasant time to hang and dry her clothes outside. Jennie's leaning against the wall admiring the stillness of the surroundings and the village. A while earlier, when she bought new detergents, she saw Mrs. Lee, the old lady next door, who gave her a tip on bleaching her clothes right. And that's what she did while waiting for the laundry counter to ring.

The silence was comforting before she heard the front door open. In the weeks she's staying with Jungkook, Jennie finds safety. She didn't bother to look back at who came, putting her trust in her housemate and landlord.

"Jenney!" Jungkook exclaimed with a funny accent. Jennie can tell he's in a good mood. Jungkook just finished covering a shift for his co-worker like his manager asked for the weekend. He got instant pay for being the only available staff to work.

"I'm in the backyard!" Jennie replies to not be rude. Whenever she sees or hears Jungkook, she gets a bit embarrassed. She couldn't believe she hugged him. It must be her hormones or her delight to finally tell someone about her motherhood. No one was by her side before Jungkook knew the truth. At least he didn't change the way he treats her. Luckily, it made Jungkook more caring toward her.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asks after seeing Jennie just standing there and relaxing.

She smiles, seeing Jungkook has his hair tied in a messy man-bun, tilting her head to the left across him. Jungkook follows the direction she's looking and realizes that she's doing her laundry. It automatically made him worry. He asks Jennie how long she's been doing her tasks, but he doesn't wait for an answer.

"You're exaggerating," Jennie smiles, seeing Jungkook pulling the bench chair from the picnic table to her side just to make her sit. He says he's doing it to help her. "You're helping too much. Don't you think you should relax and calm down?"

Jennie's life might be different, but it's not that difficult for her. As far as she knows, her part-time work as an English language tutor pays more than Jungkook's job, and he exerts more energy as a waiter.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook playfully creases his eyebrows. Jennie, sitting on the bench after he made her, taps the space next to her.

They both are sitting down in silence. It isn't awkward like the first days they spent together. It's gotten homier. It's like they're a family now. Jungkook's a better sibling than my brother. Jennie thought, but thinking about Jungkook as his brother feels weird and wrong.

The silence and the faint sound of the washing machine surround the two friends. It was Jungkook who broke the peace. "I bought a frame."

Jennie eyes Jungkook from the side. She then remembers that he said he's buying one after seeing her baby's ultrasound photo. She chuckles, telling Jungkook nicely that she doesn't need to put it as a display. Her friends might see it if they decide to visit.

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