05 ⏤ friends and babies.

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JENNIE opens her eyes to see a white-lighted ceiling. It's blurry at first, but it turns clearer. She's at a hospital, based on the sky blue curtains and bedding. There are only a few sounds around the place, of someone talking nearby.

Jennie knew she fucked up. Her eyes widen with fear and nervousness as she suddenly pushes her head and upper body to sit and touch her stomach. Just then, Jungkook enters the small room compartments divided by curtains.

"How are you feeling?" Jungkook stands close to her bed. Jennie's eyes followed to stare at him, who shot her a warm, small smile.

"Tell me what happened? How is⏤" Jennie still clutches her stomach. Though she felt the growing bump there, she wanted to be sure.

"Why didn't you tell me you brought extra luggage to my home?" Jungkook intervenes to stop Jennie's speech.

His smile fades, but his doe and light hazel eyes remain soft as he gazes at her. Jennie exactly knows what he's saying. She looks down, gloom casting down on her.

"It's okay," Jungkook suddenly speaks. "I shouldn't have meddled in your life... Well, until you're ready to tell."

Jennie slowly looks back at him. Jungkook's expression remained collected, making her curious and somewhat comfortable. He pulls the stool from near the cabinet next to her bed to sit down.

"Did you know you're pregnant, Jennie? Or you just found out now that I said it?" Jungkook's by far the calmest person to have talked to her about her pregnancy.

Jennie remains silent, still watching and listening to Jungkook tell her what happened and what the doctor told him. Jennie's in distress, not sleeping well, and occupied with stress. Her eating habits aren't that well. The problems she's carrying are too extreme for a fragile pregnant woman like her. Her stress caused her sudden blackout. Thankfully, Jungkook followed her behind and caught her before she fell to the ground. It would result in a severe injury to her and her baby if she hits her head or something. They're both safe from harm.

"I'm aware of my condition." Jennie starts to open up from being quiet for too long. She tells Jungkook that she kept it a secret for it not to affect her education. Jennie tried her best to keep it hidden. She moves to a new house, hides her morning sickness and pregnancy symptoms from everyone, and tries to be lowkey, hence her reason for wearing loose or baggy clothes to avoid suspicion.

"I was afraid to be judged or outcasted. It's my last year in college. Four more months, and I'm good." Jennie plans on leaving everything behind and start a new life. It's going well, even if Jungkook knows the truth.

Jungkook nods slowly, looking at his hands on his thighs. Jennie was just scared to get mistreated. In the kind of toxic society like today, she'd be alienated and harassed by insults.

Expensive Housemate | jenkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora