(Y/n) stared intently to the other reptile, he kept his eyes onto the crowed.

"And, ya know what I think? Y'all made us feel as if we were wanted today. And the feeling confused us greatly, ain't that right guys?"

The word "sap" had entered (Y/n)'d mind tenfold, he truly did care for his friends..
Even as they kept their outward shocked faces, but the feelings slowly entered into their faces as to what was actually happening.
The look of adoration on the crowd made them feel relaxed, rewarded and happy.

The felt good.

"And... I'd like to thank everyone for not completely giving up on us. Especially you Wolf, buddy of my childhood."

"Did... Did snake really say thank you...?" Webs looked to Shark and Piranha, only to see Shark wiping a tear, and Piranha still in stone cold shock, not believing anything he's hearing or seeing at that moment.

Wolf looked down at Snake, who in turn looked up, smiling a first full smile that had never been seen before. Small "awe"'s filled the crowed and some even cried.

This was the closure he needed, his friends, and the feeling of someone he could trust.

"Aaand I'm done bein' nice now. Finish your speech wolf ya crazy golddigger." Wolf gave Snake a laugh, rolling his eyes before snatching the Mic from his friend.
Finishing with a light hearted: "Professor Marmalade!".

The satisfying hiss of the glass plates being opened, the Golden dolphin being taken out of it's pedastle by Chief Luggins and into the tiny paws of the Professor.

Shark looked over to Snake, a teasing yet confused look had been washed on his face.
"Yo, Snake? Why'd you do that? Stop Wolf? Ya' gone soft on us?~"

"Shut the hell up."

"Nah, he wanted to impress his Novia~" Piranha whistled, the redness on Snakes scales brightened tenfold, Webs had almost choked on her laugh when she saw Snake's undesirable look of pure anger on his face.

"Yeah- I think you might be right!" Said arachnid pressed expectantly.

" I now regret ever complimenting you guys."

Diane smiled at the two, warmth radiating off of her single nod, one that could also accompany her friend who slithered closer to the other.
"A deals a deal."
She answered, clasping her paws together in silent closure.

"By the power vested in us, it is a pleasure to grant the "Bad Guys" a full—"

Suddenly, darkness shrouded and swallowed up the entire gala, confused murmurs and whispers we're shared in the darkness.
Shark, Piranha, Webs and Snake looked to Wolf to see if he had some how pressed the button in any shape or form... But he wasn't holding anything in his paw anymore.

The lights came back on, the confusion still lingering. Wolf, almost thinking it was just a small shortage of power for a small second, he ears turned slightly at the sound of constant whispering.

"That was weird..."

"THE METEORITE IS GONE!" All the eyes that had once all set on the now empty pedastle, now landed hatefully onto the assuming perpetrators that were now standing on stage.

Shocked glances of the gang soon enveloped what was going on. The Love Crater Meteorite was gone as soon as the lights turned back on, only this time, their hands were completely clean!

The chief's footsteps were the first thing Wolf had heard, paws pulled up in surrender.
"Chief!" Wolf started, backing up quickly when he saw how hard she was clenching her jaw. Growling out his name through seethed teeth.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰Where stories live. Discover now