The Coffee Date

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you guys so much for all the attention on this story. I didn't expect that much since it is my first one. If anyone wants to know, I'm hoping to finish this story in maybe 12-15 parts total. This is part 9 so 6 more parts to go, at most. I hope you guys are enjoying this story and the confession will be soon🤭.

(The next day)

(Rui's POV)
I wake up to see Tsukasa still laying down on my chest. I start playing with his hair since he was still sleeping. I did not move a muscle. I refused to move. I truly did NOT want to wake him up. After a few minutes, Tsukasa slowly opens his eyes and rubs them. "G-Good morning... Rui." Tsukasa says while still being half asleep. "Morning, Kasa." I say in response. Tsukasa slowly starts to sit up and rubs his eyes even more. "Mmnhm..." He mutters. Then, he hugs me around my neck, going back to sleep. I can feel myself turning red. I hug Tsukasa back, holding him by his waist. "Tsukasa..? You should wake up now..." I say quietly. He was not listening at all and he just went back to sleep while sitting on my lap and holding my shoulders. After a few minutes, Tsukasa woke up. For real this time. He yawns and says, "Good Morning...!" He gets off my lap and sits on the bed. "Sorry for falling asleep on you..." He says while laughing nervously. "No worries." I say. "Do you live alone? I've never seen anyone else in this house expect you." Tsukasa asks. "No, I live with my mom, but she went to visit one of her old friends yesterday. She's going to be back either today or tomorrow." I answer. After that, we just kept talking about random stuff until Tsukasa checked the time. "3 PM? I should get home." He says while getting off my bed. "Would you like me to drive you home?" I ask. "Y-Yes please! If you wouldn't mind." He says. "I don't mind" I say while smiling softly at him. "Great! Thank you! I'm gonna change back in to my own clothes though." Tsukasa says while walking into my bathroom. After a few minutes, he comes out of the bathroom. "Ready to go?" I say. "Mhm!" He says while going to the front door. I open the car door for him and then I open mine as well. I drive to his house and before he goes I say, "Do you wanna go on... a date... with me? Tomorrow..?" Tsukasa looks at me in shock "E-Eh..?! W-Well, yeah sure..!" He says while blushing a bit. "Hehe... Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 1:00?" I say. "Yeah, that's fine! See you tomorrow." Hey says while walking into his house.

(The next day at 11:30 AM)

(Tsukasa's POV)
Okay, Rui is picking me up at 1 and it's 11:30 right now... I'll spend 20 minutes showering, 5 minutes to dry my hair, 20 minutes choosing an outfit, and 5 minutes to do light makeup. Once I'm done, it'll be 12:20! I go to my bathroom and take a shower and when I was finished, I dried my hair. After that, I went to choose an outfit. "What should I wear..? It's a coffee date so he's taking me to a cafe! Ooh! I know!" I take out a white shirt with a big star in the middle of it and I also take out my light pink cargo pants that covered most of my shoes. Then, I put on a white sweater that had a yellow star in the corner. I go back into the bathroom and I put on a bit of blush and lipgloss. I put on a star clip on my hair because I thought it looked cute. I saw some of Saki's perfume as I was walking past her room and decided to spray a tiny bit on me. The scent smelled pretty nice! I took out my phone and checked the time. 12:18 PM. Close enough! Now what do I do?


Tsukasa, Rui


hey rui :)))

Is it ok if i pick u up rn? i'm js rlly excited and i can barely wait anymore

yea!! its fine i'm rlly excited too🤭


(Tsukasa's POV)
He's coming. Right now. I-I'm so nervous! But so excited! I think about our first "date" when we went to the mall and how he let me borrow his jacket. Hopefully this date goes well. I hear a knocking on my door. "I'll get it!" Saki yells. "W-Wait!-" I yell back, but it was too late. She already got there.

(Rui's POV)
I knock on Tsukasa's door, expecting to see him. It was Saki. She's really nice and you know, sweet, but I'd like to see Tsukasa's face when I get to his house. "Hey!!! It's you again! Are you here for big brother?" She says, greeting me. "Haha! Yes, yes I am." I say with a friendly smile. I see Tsukasa walking down his stairs and I blush. He looked so beautiful. He arrives to the door. "You look amazing, Kasa." I say while taking his hand. "Thank you, Rui. You look good yourself!" He says. "Bye! Have fun you two!" Saki yells as I take him to my car. We both get in and he starts a small conversation. "So... Is this cafe far away?" He asks. "No! It's actually pretty close to here. Maybe you've seen it before." I say back. After a little while, we arrive to the cafe. Tsukasa and I take our seats. A girl that looks our age takes our order. "Hey! My name's _____ and I'll be taking your orders today." She says in a bright tone. We take our orders and I can't help but notice that she was extra "friendly" to Tsukasa. A few minutes later, our order arrives. "Here is your food sir!" She hands me my order. "And here is yours, sir~" She hands Tsukasa his order. When she was leaving, she left a note to Tsukasa and touched his shoulders. Tsukasa reads the note to himself. "Bleh..." He says with a disgusted look on his face. "What does the note say..?" I ask. He hands me the note. "Wanna go out sometime cutie?" I read out loud. "Gross right!" Tsukasa says with a disgusted tone. That made me laugh a bit, but I still felt jealous. Why does everyone have a crush on Tsukasa? "Whatever! Let's just eat!" He says while taking a bite out of a cheesecake he ordered. "Yeah. You're right!" I say. Once we finish eating, the same girl comes back. "Are you ready to pay?" She asks. "Mhm!" Tsukasa says. "Alright, I'll be right back with the bill." She says while leaving. Tsukasa is now writing his own note to the girl. "What you writing?" I ask. "A 'nice' note!" He says while laughing a bit. "Give me that!" I say while taking his note. "Fuck no." I read the note out loud. "Yes. Very nice of you!" I say while laughing. The lady comes back. "Alright here's the bill!" She says. "I'll pay, yeah?" I offer. "Sure! If you don't mind, of course." Tsukasa says. "I don't mind" I say while putting down some cash. "Oh! Here you go!" Tsukasa says while handing her the note. "Have a good day!" Tsukasa says while walking out of the cafe. "Cruel." I say to him. "Haha! I wish I could see the look on her face right now!" Tsukasa says while laughing. "Today was fun. I enjoy being with you!" Tsukasa says while hugging me. I blush. "I like being with you too..." I say while smiling and hugging him back. "Would you like me to take you home?" I ask. "Yes please!" I drive him home and walk him to his door. "Thank you for today, Rui." He kisses my cheek and goes inside. I blush, really hard. I then walk back to my car and smile. He just kissed me!

Word count: 1,370

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