SEASON ONE; what happens in philly, stays in philly

Start from the beginning

In the midst of it all, she looked over at 10k to see he was already watching her, cheeks abnormally red for having been around the fire only a matter of minutes. 


                 ➳After their stop, they hadn't found many other places to rest up or gather supplies, so Garnett made the call to try and scavenge within Philly. Cassandra, weirdly, was not impressed. From where she sat in the back of the truck, rifle laid across her lap, (y/n) couldn't hear any talk from inside, but she managed to catch Murphy's trademark sarcasm. 

"Ah, the city of brotherly love." he deadpanned, eyeing up a few Zs nibbling on someone, who was unfortunate enough to be caught out alone. They were still alive, thrashing and looked to be in pain. 

(y/n) aimed her scope and gave that person - whoever they were - mercy. 10k nodded. 

"You're getting better," he offered quietly, and (y/n) blinked at him, not realizing he'd complimented her. 

"Oh! Yeah, thanks." she said kindly. Slowly, the truck came to a stop. Craning her neck around, (y/n) tried to access what was going on. Doc stood up, staring openmouthed at some sort of bell that sat on the trailer of a large truck. 

"Is that really the Liberty Bell?" Mack asked, hanging on to the side of the truck. Everyone from inside hopped out to check out whatever that was. How was she supposed to know? She was from Canada, and only ended up in the States during the outbreak by accident. 

"What's the Liberty Bell?" She asked Addy, unsure. Addy shook her head, smiling. 

Garnett, who had been reciting something, turned around to gape at her. "You don't know what the Liberty Bell is?" The girl shrugged sheepishly, sharing a glance with 10k, who also shrugged. 

"She's Canadian!" Addy tried to defend her. Murphy, where he was leaning out the window, scoffed. 

"Seriously?" he seemed like he couldn't believe it. "you're from Canada? God, that explains a lot." (y/n) smiled sweetly. 

"Canadian or not," her voice was overly sweet, like honey. "I can still beat your ass." He made some noises of protest, before slinking away quietly. 

"Three years of zombie apocalypse," Doc reminisced "you'd think you'd seen everything." At this, (y/n) noticed it had been tagged by some loser. 

"Well," Roberta said, still staring at the bell "when everything went bad, they probably tried to save a little history." Murphy again, scoffed.

"Yeah, well," he was getting whiny again "they should have known the only thing you can save is yourself. Let's go!" (y/n) scoffed, rolling her eyes at his babyish presence.

. "Hang on," Warren drawled, testing with a tube to see if the tank had fuel they could siphon. "If this thing had fuel, which it does, and we can get it started-" she explained to Garnett, who listened with rapt attention "they won't have to ride in the open like that." 

Internally, (y/n) groaned. She loved the fresh air; inside the truck got too stuffy. Plus, her and 10k could play lookouts, for bandits or worse. 

"Well I'm all for that," Doc vouched. 

"I'll grab the jumper cables!" Mack announced, grabbing them from inside the truck. 

"God bless the human race," said Doc sarcastically "99% of 'em dead, and yet there's still one jackass with a spray can." (y/n) chuckled - he was right. Warren pulled the door of the truck open, revealing a zombie. Before even (y/n) had a chance to pull out a throwing knife, 10k had it taken down. 

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