xxviii. rendezvous to bracca

Start from the beginning

Tech hesitated, trying to fight the poison, and reluctantly nodded, as he was in too much pain to refuse. He couldn't go on living like this. Even though the poison wanted him to.

"Okay," Omega continued. "It's only a few steps to where the medical bay is. Can you make it on foot?"

He nodded.

She grabbed his arm and led him to the medical bay slowly, trying not to cause him any more pain than he was already in. After crossing the doorway to the medical bay, Omega led Tech to where the hospital beds were, in which she helped him lie down in one that was a few to the left of her own. She gave him an anesthetic which helped him slip into a coma, reliving the pain on his end.

"So he said he was shot in both arms, and he had ribs broken," Omega whispered to herself. "I hope this goes well."

She grabbed the necessary equipment she needed from a nearby medicine cabinet. She was able to fix his wounds for the most part, the only one she wasn't able to fix were his broken ribs, since she didn't have the necessary equipment to fix that. So, she just wrapped his ribcage in bandages, in hopes that it would prevent it from becoming worse. She knew when he woke up again, he would be under the spell of the poison again, and he'd probably yell at her for treating his injuries. She didn't know what to do.

One thing was for certain, though.

She needed to warn one of the other members on Kamino.

And she decided the best person to tell was Echo.

She shut off the light in the room that Tech was in, so he could get some rest. She then walked out of the room, into the main area. She had remembered that she had left her comm link in the Marauder, so she didn't know how she was going to contact Echo, but she needed to, and soon. In that moment of desperation is when she realized that she could just use Tech's comm link. But first, she needed to find Tech's stuff, which wasn't too difficult thankfully, since it was near where he had been sitting before. She took his bag and rummaged through it, eventually finding the comm link that was buried underneath all his other gadgets. As soon as she got a hold of it, she wasted no time in calling Echo.

"Echo, Echo come in," Omega whispered into Tech's comm link.

"Omega? Is that you?" Echo said, surprised to hear from Omega.

"Yes, it is. I'm using Tech's comm link so I have to hurry."

"Aren't we only supposed to communicate under emergencies? And why are you using Tech's comm link? Where's yours? As a matter of fact, where's Tech? Is he okay? And are you okay? Is the treatment working?"

"That's a lot of questions for me to answer."

"Just answer them."

Omega sighed. "This is an emergency. I left my comm link on the ship. Tech's dying, he's severely wounded and he was drugged. He's currently unconscious. I'm doing okay, and the treatment is working surprisingly well."

"I'm sorry, what?!"

"You're mad that the treatment is working?"

"No, obviously I'm happy about that, kid. What the hell happened to Tech."

"Look, I can explain later. Just don't tell the crew, and don't tell Tech I told you. You guys just need to come pick us up immediately, and we need to get to a medical facility as fast as we can."

"We can't, Omega. The bounties on our heads are too high right now."

"Echo, we need to."

"You know I will need to talk to the team about this, right?"

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