I saw it was Bella , but I was too weak to do anything as I just rested my head on the locker closing my eyes.

I knew that it was late and people most have gone home but I didn't care , I just closed my eyes.

And then I felt someone sat beside me and I didn't bother to open my eyes to see who it was.

Minutes later I found myself falling asleep as my head rested on someone shoulder before I let the darkness consume me

I opened my eyes which was blurring and I felt something on my shoulders.

I used my hands to rub my eyes and looked at my shoulder and I saw it was Bella.

I saw she was sleeping peacefully on my shoulders as I just didn't want to wake her up or even disturb her at all.

I just stared at her as I saw a string of her hair on her face .

I raised my hands and put it behind her ears.

Then I found myself resting my hands on her face rubbing her cheeks. But when I realized what I was doing I quickly redraw my hand from her face.

But I couldn't help but stare at her.

I don't know the feeling that I felt but I loved it in a way.

I don't understand this feeling and I felt like talking to someone but I can't.

I sat there for a while but she didn't wake up .

I stared at my phone to check the time and it was pretty late.

I wanted to wake her up but a part of me didn't. I still wanted her to stay on my shoulders as i decided to wait a little if she would wake up

But she didn't so I put my hand under her nose to check if she was still breathing because I was a little worried 

I saw that she was breathing and i sigh a little not to wake her up.

I continue staring at my phone to distract my self from looking at her and it helped in a Way.

One hour later I was still in that position and she hasn't woken up so I decided to drop her home without waking her up

I gently removed her head from my shoulder resting it on my chest as I put my right arm under her leg and my left arm at her waist.

Taking a deep breath as I lifted her up as I made my way to my car

I look at Bella and saw she was still sleeping and I felt like I was carrying a feather she doesn't even have weight at all as i jusy smiled.

Opening the door of my car and putting her in carefully putting her sit belt.

But as I was about to close the door her head came out as I adjusted it well for her before I drove to her house.

I didn't drive fast because I didn't want to wake her up and I want to still feel her head on my chest

Minutes later I was at her house and I looked at her and saw she was still asleep.

I got down and went to get side opening the door unbuckled her sit belt before carrying her again in my chest as I went to the door.

But it was locked I guess her mom isn't around .

I checked her bag and saw her key there and opened the door removing the key then closing the door.

I was about to put her on the couch but then she came too close to me and her hands went around my waist and i just stood here while my breath was taken for a moment.

Bullied by the mafia son •Completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now