Azur lane will never fall...?

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(i wanted to ask something... Is it better to just write the story in third person or just let it be like earlier chapters ?)

(I will try to make this chapter only third person) :)

Unknown seas


Enterprise: another siren carrier down, its safe to move on

Prince of wales: thank you for the air support enterprise

Prince of wales then moved forward along with Cleveland and enterprise, still trying to find the rest of the shipgirls

Cleveland: huh !?

Cleveland looked at her radar

Prince of wales: what is it cleveland ?

Cleveland: there is someone there, surrounded by mass produced siren battleships !

She pointed to the right and you could barely see smoke coming out from where she was pointing

The three of them instantly turned right trying to save the lone shipgirl

Meanwhile at the lone shipgirl

???: Are you kidding me... This again...?

Luckily she was not injured or bruised

Then planes from the eagle union started to appear from above the clouds ready to drop hell on the mass produced siren ships



The bombs from the planes hit all of its targets, and sank them

???: And the same person too...



Two salvos from a cruiser and a battleship were coming down on the siren mass produced ships

With those two salvos, some of the mass produced siren ships sunk, and that gave time for enterprise to swoop in

Enterprise: on your left hornet

Hornet: *sigh* I can't have you saving me all the time, but still... thanks

Enterprise: alright

Prince of wales: hornet, why are you in the front lines?

Hornet: i cant stay in the back now can i

Hornet smiled, and prince of wales facepalmed

Prince of wales: you are turning more and more like enterprise

Hornet: hehe

Prince: of wales: have you seen the others hornet ?

Hornet: they've just retreated

Hornet points at the original destination were the three of them were going

Prince of wales: can you still sail hornet

Hornet: of course, who do you think i am, and one more thing...

Prince of wales: we are in enemy lines aren't we

The four of them started to go full speed to the original destination

Portals started to appear behind them

mass produced siren ships started to go through the portal, And empress herself appeared with the other high ranking sirens

Empress then hold one hand up and point it outwards as if trying to crush them with only her palms

Is This...Real (Azur Lane Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora