The defense of azur lane

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Mutsu pov

After i let out my anger towards "nothing"
I decided to walk to a nearby cliff, and stare at the beautiful scenery

And that time i was with nagato-nee on a cliff flashes in my mind

Mutsu: nagato-nee...

I will not cry anymore

I will have to make an imag-

Cleveland: Mutsu!, Ive been looking everywhere for you!

I turned around a little shocked to see cleveland very tired and a little terrified?

Mutsu: what's wrong ?

Cleveland: a meeting is being held. A very big siren fleet is going to attack azur lane HQ!

I instantly ran toward the usual meeting place, after reaching the meeting place i opened the door to see many shipgirls attending the meeting

Prince of wales: i was right the sirens are going to attack us

Enterprise: ...

Prince of wales: do any of you want to propose a plan...

Everybody: ...

Prince of wales: alright then. Shipgirls that classify as an aircraft carrier will be positioned at the back

Enterprise: but-

Prince of wales silences enterprise just by looking at her

Prince of wales: for the destroyers and cruisers, they will be placed on the front lines...

Everybody was a little shocked hearing this, but remained calm

Prince of wales: for the battleships, they will be stationed on the middle, so they could help the destroyers and the cruisers with heavy artillery on the front lines and that includes the aircraft carriers

Queen Elizabeth: why are the battleships not on the front lines?

Prince of wales: don't worry your majesty, some of the battleships will be on the front lines, and that concludes my plan, do anybody object?

No one answered

Prince of wales: im sorry if the plan upsets any of you, its my only plan, the sirens are attacking with their full force...

Prince of wales looked sad for a bit, but regained her serious look again and said

Prince of wales:

Let operation defence of azur lane begin

Third person pov

With operation defence of azur lane commencing, hundreds of shipgirls start to dock and run around the base of azur lane

In one of the many places of the base

San diego: whats going on!?

Javelin: i dont know, but it doesnt look good

Laffey: oh no...

Laffey who is usually sleepy wakes with eyes wide awake, but still retains that lazy voice

They started running and helping everyone

Meanwhile somewhere far at sea nagato is sailing very fast with a stoic face

Nagato was very distracted with the safety of her sister and azur lane, she forgot to check her radar to see if something is coming or not



nagato's ship was hit by a laser and is covered by the smoke from the explosion

???: HAHA!, I wouldn't think you would still be alive nagato

Nagato suddenly came out of the smoke with her riggings very fastly while swinging a katana only to miss, when she looked to the person who shot her, she widens her eyes

Empress: you will die here and now!

Empress took out a katana too and whipped it to the side, the katana has siren patterns on it

Nagato started to dash at empress, nagato started to slash many times at empress just to be blocked, suddenly a laser shot pass nagato barely hitting her

This gave empress an opening that leads to nagato almost getting cut in half

Observer alpha: nagato...

Nagato pov

Oh no, i can fight empress alone but when she has a siren back up im done for

Nagato: why are you doing this empress...

Empress: for fun of course

Nagato: is that really your purpose...?

Empress: yes, of course

Nagato: what a foolish pupose...

Empress started to dash at me and swung her katana at me many times and i blocked them all with very good precision and speed

Observer started to shoot her laser cannons at me, i dodged them all but i tripped... And my katana was thrown out of my hands, why am i this clumsy ?

(A ship just tripped 💀 Tripped on what tho?)

Empress started to dash at me with a katana ready to slash at any time

Im not going to die here again am i, after thinking about this i remembered, I HAD RIGGINGS, i was ready to block empress's katana only to be blocked by someone else

A very loud sound of katanas locking onto each other resounded across the seas

???:its a pleasure meeting you nagato-san

(Finally another chapter, sorry for the long wait guys i was very busy, busy grinding that is, sorry if there are any misspelled words, and thanks for reading)

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