akagi is SUS

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Mutsu pov

Mutsu: wha-

I saw nagato-nee sail back through the crowd with no emotion showing at all except uneasiness of course

Mutsu: nagato-nee but-uhh-that-this....

I saw her looking back smiling a little bit so only i could see

She didnt even use her rigging...

And that's only a katana for training she's using...

Mutsu: *sigh* it is what it is

The ships that exploded earlier is sinking slowly

Look, EVEN kawakaze look surprised, and for the others they are still frozen in place

We know nagato is strong, but not THIS strong, a few slashes from a katana was all it took to sink mass produces siren ships

Nagato pov

I got back to base and the uneasiness i felt earlier faded

But one question ?

How in the heck did i even sink those ships, its like my body moved on its own, well, nagato's body not mine

Now that i think about it, what happened to the real nagato ?

empress Pov

???: Empress, i have very bad news

Empress: and what is the news

???: There was an anomaly near the sakura empire

Empress: oh~ this is interesting, what happened to the anomaly ?

???: It fused with someone empress

I thought about it for a little while, then i remembered

Empress: remember when we the sirens divided a certain someones cube into two, and send the other half to some other world, because she was to strong for us to handle

???: Yes certainly... Ohhh so thats why

Empress: yes, you're right, this is very VERY bad news

???2: empress i have very bad ne-

Empress: another one ?

???2: yes empress this one is in the...
Eagle Union...

Nagato pov

So yeah, after the fight with the sirens, i was in the main conference office ?

I was just walking around, and the feeling here seems to be calming, then some one came in

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I was just walking around, and the feeling here seems to be calming, then some one came in

Mutsu: nagato-nee i didn't know you can fight that good

Nagato: i have always have been right ?

Mutsu: not that much but still that was cool

Nagato: thank you, and when will the first and fifth carrier division come back here

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